Title: Absence Makes the Heart Ache
Author: Disneymagics
Rating: T (for language)
Characters: Sam, Dean, John
Genre: Gen, hurt/comfort, Stanford timeframe
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural except in my dreams where schmoop abounds.
Warnings: Spoilers for season 1
Word Count: ~9,200
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Comments 27
OMG the summary alone sounds awesome! I so know that I'll sit down and read this over the weekend, so another comment will follow ...
Geez, just saw your A/N above - have fun in Vancouver, I wish I could be there and meet up with you again. Anyhow, say HI to the gang and enjoy every single second, hon.
Btw - I might need your beta magic once again by the time you're back from Vancouver. *HUGS*
Gosh sweetie, this is another piece of art from you - I love it to pieces.
Absolutely adorable how you describe that special bond between the brothers and John's reaction along the way.
I just can't find the right words to describe what I felt while reading it. I was drowning in your words and this was as perfect as a story can be. You know that I've always admired your writting skills but this ... this took it to a new level!
Okay, enough of my rambling, I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely loved it and that I will read it again on the weekend ;o)
*huge hug*
I'd be thrilled to beta for you again. Whenever you're ready, just send it on over!
Great story. All the work you put into it was worth it.
(and in my dream world, I would say: great! I'll meet you at the convention. Can't wait.):D
P.S. Can I... like put the art on my lj and link it to your story?
Yeah, it would be fantastic to see you at the convention. Maybe one of these days I'll make it to your part of Canada so we can meet up face to face!
Virginia... Maybe someday we can meet
Halfway :D
Thanks for leaving a comment! *hugs*
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