rough draft notes

Sep 24, 2016 17:35

Okay, folks! Rough draft notes are due via email today (September 24th)!

Remember that there is no strict word count requirement, but notes/outlines would be greatly appreciated! Don't worry about formatting or any other specific requirements, either. All I'm looking for here is that you've got a plan for whatever film you've chosen, and that you have a general idea as to where you're going with it.

To submit your rough draft notes, send an email to with the subject line: Rough Draft, Chosen Film, Username

Body of the email should include:

Email address(es):
Title (let me know if it's just tentative):
Chosen Film:
Current Word Count (if applicable):
Warnings (if any):

Your notes can be attached as a document or simply included in the body of the email. I will send a confirmation message once I've recieved them!

Remember that rough drafts of at least 1,500 words are due on October 29th, so that's a little over a month of prime fic-writing/drawing time available to us!

Also, if anyone is interested in having a group writing session, let me know! Sometimes it helps to have others cheering you on and offering their own insights to any questions/concerns you might be having about your fic/art. We can use sites like ChatStep to communicate via instant messaging, so again, if anyone is interested, let me know and I'll work on setting up a date/time :)

Comments/questions/concerns? Drop me a line here or simply send me an email. I'll be glad to help you, as always!

round: three, *mod post

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