abc_narnia a Narnia alphabet icon challenge
classic_disneys a Disney Icon Contest
d_couplesstills a Disney Couples Icon Contest
d_gentstill a Disney Gentlemen Icon Contest
d_icontest a weekly Disney Icon Contest and Monthly LIMS Competitions
d_levelten a Triple Theme Disney Icon Contest
d_scenestills a Disney Icon Contest focusing on specific scenes
disney_awards a Disney Movie Icon Contest
disney_create an elite Disney community with weekly challenges
disney_hush a Textless Disney Icon Contest
disney_identity a Non-Elimination Disney Icon Contest based on the game show, Identity.
disney_rumble a Disney Icon Contest in which cumulative points are earned.
disney_turbo a Disney Turbo LIMS community.
disney2020 a Disney icon-a-day challenge.
disneyvil_lims a Disney Villain Icon Contest
grande_disney a Disney Icon Contest
wd_animals a Disney Animals Icon Contest
wd_awards a Nominated Best of The Month Disney Icon Contest
animangalims an anime and manga LIMS competition.
animealphabet an anime alphabet claim icon challenge.
atladicontest a weekly icon contest dedicated to the female cast of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
awards_anime a Nominated Best of The Month Anime Icon Contest.
beauty_lims a LIMS challenge of beautiful things.
bleach_icontest a Bleach Icon Contest.
crystal_colors a manga coloring contest.
dattebayo_still a Naruto Icon Contest.
fmadesignawards a weekly Fullmetal Alchemist icon contest.
kunoichi_stills a weekly icon contest dedicated to the female cast of Naruto.
manga_character a weekly animanga character icon contest.
nextpicture an entry by entry prompt challenge.
pokechallenge a Pokemon Icon Contest.
pokeletters a Pokemon Alphabet Icon Contest.
seiconprompt a Soul Eater Icon contest.
sm_icontest a weekly Sailor Moon icon contest.
toon_icontest an Icon Contes for All Animation.
you_choose_ic an icon contest where you choose the themes.