Oct 12, 2004 18:23
i feel like a little girl - i just want a boy to XOXO. i sure as heck don't need one right now & boys in cali are BUTTheads.
sometimes i wish i was @ the point in my life where i had my career, marriage and life was established...i mean, your life can never be "established" or "finalized" BUT i wonder about the future & my job & who'll i'll fall-in-love with & marry. i'm not wishing my time away - i'm just curious.
i just want to be in like/love. i miss high school & that kind of "giddyness" you get from stupid boys.
i've run into a lot of "beasts" & now i'm waiting for my "prince charming" (oh gosh! how corny do i sound?!)
i always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter - WALT DISNEY