Name: Louisa
Age: 23
Previous Stamp(s): Main - Jafar. Mirror - Maleficent.
4 positive adjectives to describe you?: Passionate, determined, intelligent, eccentric.
4 negative adjectives to describe you?: Stubborn, sarcastic, sometimes lazy, obsessive.
Are you an idealist, realist, or pessimist?: Probably more of an idealist.
Are you a ‘By the books’ type of person or more of a ‘rule breaker / rebel?: Rebel
What are your goals in life?: To get a better job that I enjoy, to travel more, to have a relationship actually get off the ground and go well.
Describe what your life is like right now?: I'm kinda bored with my lot. I'm just working to save money for my own place atm.
Are you anything like your star sign?: I'm a Sagittarius. When I looked up the personality description some of it seems spookily close.
How do you approach adversity (eg: if things don’t go according to plan)?: I tend to throw a small wobbly then think things through and get it sorted.
Three interesting / random things about you?: I have 11 piercings and 3 tattoos. I have a soft spot for geeks. I love collecting random junk. Mostly Disney junk :p
Favourite period in History? (please elaborate): Probably Egyptian or Roman times. I'd loved the decadence of the richer folks lives. And early 20th century. I loved the clothes from the 40s and 50s.
5 non-Disney songs that best describe you / your life(Can give parts of lyrics if you want):
Under My Umbrella - Incubus
When I close my eyes
I remember why I smile,
Under my umbrella
I'm an accomplished exile.
If this is right, I'd rather be wrong.
f this is sight, I'd rather be blind.
Something New - The Black Ghosts
A different time and place some new faces in my life is what I'm needing
I've grown old too fast and whole weeks pass without a single glimpse of meaning
And if disaster came at least there'd be a change
it's got to be better than sitting on this beach
X-Static Process - Madonna
Don't know who I'm supposed to be
Don't really know if I should give a damn
When you're around, I don't know who I am.
I always wished that I could find
Someone as beautiful as you
But in the process I forgot
That I was special too
Kings of Leon - Be Somebody
Ladytron - Ghosts
If you’re favourite non-singing Disney villain did sing, what song would they sing and why?: I literally have no idea what they'd sing XD I'd say my fave non Disney villain is probably some like The Riddler or Hannibal Lecter.
Anything else?: