stamped as captain hook // female stamp

Nov 30, 2009 20:27

I've already been stamped as Captain Hook, but if I could also get a female villain stamp, that would be most appreciated :)



Name: Nicole

Age: 19

General Location: Salt Lake City

Four POSITIVE adjectives to describe you: Funny, kind, genuine, open-minded

Four NEGATIVE adjectives to describe you: Impatient, lazy, quick-tempered, stubborn

What are your worst fears?: Death, my loved ones dying, heights

Do you care whether you’re stamped as a boy or girl? (If so, please elaborate): Nope, don't care!

Favourites (Color, Animals, Food, Book, Movie, etc): Green, dogs, sushi, Harry Potter!, The Big Lebowski

THIS OR THAT (There's room for both in some cases):

Revenge or World Domination?: Revenge

Sword or Staff?: Sword

Making your own destiny or Accepting fate?: Making your own destiny

Brave or Safe?: Brave

Pacifist or Temperamental?: Temperamental

Own hands or Henchmen?: Own hands

Get the Girl or Kill the Hero?: Get the GUY


Favourite Disney / Pixar Film?: Beauty and the Beast

Who do you relate to the most? (Doesn’t have to be the villain): Belle

Which Disney / Pixar Villain do you relate to the most?: Maybe Maleficent.

If you could live anywhere in the animated world, where would it be? (this will not reflect who you will be voted): the Beast's castle.

How would you defeat the Hero / Heroine?: Find out their strengths and weaknesses and play on them.

Anything else?: Nope!

(Optional) Post a picture of yourself, if you have one and are comfortable doing this. If not, just describe yourself:

i'm on the right

stamped! queen of hearts

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