Name: Alice
Age: 20
Previous Stamp(s): Ursula, Savages
Describe Your Personality: I'm a nerd so I get excited about stuff most people would think is stupid. I'm very sarcastic but only in an affectionate way. I'm quiet mostly when I'm around people I don't know or I'm mad but when I'm around friends and family it's hard to get me to shut up. I like writing a lot so most of the time I'm off in wonderland thinking of new story or poem ideas. I listen to music and watch movies constantly because I have trouble dealing with the stupidity of the outside world.
What Do You Do If Things Don't Go According To Plan?: I get slightly pissed off
What Qualities Make a Good Friend?: Loyalty, humor, good hearted sarcasm, back you up even if you're wrong
What Qualities Make a Bad Friend?: Lying, Stealing stuff that belongs to me, always begging for cash or to buy them lunch, never around unless they want something
Are You a Rule Breaker or a By The Books Person?: Rule breaker disguised as by the books.
Are You a Leader or Follower?: Leader most of the time but if I don't know what I'm doing then I'll reluctantly step aside
Do You Have any Pets? If so, Describe Them: I've got 2 dogs, Lady is the loveable kind of stupid black Lab. Taz is half Huskie part Chow part something I don't even know but all those things combined make her look like a wolf. She's 16 years old and acts like a mean old lady most of the time. I've got 1 kitten named Victor Creed who is psycho but oh so aborable.
Cats || Dogs || Reptiles || Birds?: I'd rather have a cat, not a kitten a cat. Cause kittens are cute but they want to play. A cat just wants to sleep all day.
Anything Else?: One of my biggest dreams is to learn Kung-Fu