Today class we shall go over what evil truly is. You see, Evil is a lot like stealing candy from a baby, because let's face it, you deserve that candy more than a baby does. I mean, what does a baby do? It cries, it poops, it whines for attention but did it really do anything to earn that candy? No! While you, you've been alive through thick and thin how many years longer than any silly baby? You may have faced uncounted horrors like being crushed by giant moth balls or being made into a pet monkey, while this baby, totally unaware of your pain is given candy just because!? Evil is all about saying things like enough is enough babies! I deserve this candy of yours way more than you do!
You know class, I think this can only be truly expressed with a song.
~For some reason life has always treated me badly,
I always thought that I had been a nice guy,
But I never got any candy, because they say I'm demandy,
And now I'll give babies a reason to cry!
You can see them in the park with a lolipop as big as their heads!
Why do they have candy and I don't? It make me so mad I'm seeing red!
So babies can't you see, your checkout time is due!
Because I'll be stealing the candy from every one of you!
Yeah baby, baby, baby! I'll be stealing candy from all of yooooooooou~
This is why I have created a device so ingenious that only I could have come up with such a completely brilliant plan to use it in! BEHOLD! THE CANDY SNATCHERINATOR!
... well actually that's just my inator, but when I finally got through with making my candy snatcherinator I found out my camera didn't have any film. So I tried drawing it but that didn't seem to come out right, so then I tried painting, and then photoshopping a picture of Master Hand onto my inator, but really the main idea of it is, it's an inator with a hand with tape on it that zooms around and snatches candy from babies. This way they cannot escape, the wrath of my tape! Pretty good huh?