The Shaggy Dog
Due to the recent release of the new Disney film "The Shaggy Dog," this week's theme is just that. BUT, you'll be allowed to use images from the original Shaggy Dog films as well, if you'd like.
If you have any trouble finding images, let me know and I'll see if I can make some caps from the trailer for the new film and will definitely make some caps from the original film. Just let me know in a comment.
Aaaand...because it may be a little more difficult to find images for this challenge (and because there's a late start), the deadline for this week will be Saturday evening instead of Friday.
If you are unsure about the validity of your icon leave a separate comment
from your submission, or you can email me at:
* You have until Saturday 11:59pm EST to submit your icons to this post.
* Comments are screened.
* Icons must be made especially for this contest!
* ONE icon per person only.
* Do not advertise your icon anywhere until winners are announced.
* Your icon must be LJ friendly (this means no more than 100x100 pixels and 40kb in size)
Please post your entry in this format: