Free Choice
Okay, so I was going to do Beauty and the Beast...but I'm still trying to decide how I'm going to go about doing that. Then I was thinking of doing Cars this week, since it's just opened in theatres, but I decided that there may be more images from that if I wait a little while. We will be having those themes in the upcoming weeks, though.
Soooo, this week you will have free choice to make your icon be any movie, TV show, video game, etc. As long as it's Disney. You icon can be animated or still, have lyrics, text, or be completely textless. It's up to you, so be as creative as you like.
As always, if you can't find a specific screencap that you're looking for (the LJ community cap_it is a great resource), let me know in a comment to this post SPECIFICALLY what scene you want caps from, along with your email address so I can send them to you. For a list of the Disney movies I have readily available to cap for you, go
If there's something not on the list that you'd like and you can't find it anywhere else, let me know. With enough notice in advance, I may be able to rent a copy of the movie and make caps for you.
If you are unsure about the validity of your icon leave a separate comment
from your submission, or you can email me at:
* You have until Friday 11:59pm EST to submit your icons to this post.
* Comments are screened.
* Icons must be made especially for this contest!
* ONE icon per person only.
* Do not advertise your icon anywhere until winners are announced.
* Your icon must be LJ friendly (this means no more than 100x100 pixels and 40kb in size)
Please post your entry in the following format: - Character(s): Finding Nemo - Jacques