Rumble II - Rules and Sign-ups

Jul 07, 2015 14:48

Time to get started !

Hi everyone, welcome to disney_hush's second rumble !

You picked this year's "theme", which will be... Screencaps ! Just like last year ("colours" weren't far behind so I'll keep it in mind for next time)

Every week, I will give you a new screencap to work on, sometimes on its own, sometimes with other indications (technical challenge, etc.). There will be eight rounds. The first round will be posted later this week, and it will end on Monday, July 20, 23:59 GMT. After that, you will have 7 days to complete each round (ie round 2 will be posted on July 20 and end on July 27, and so forth).

Here are some general rules. I made a few changes from last year's rumble, so be sure to read them.

Rumble rules:
  • you may submit 1 icon per challenge, unless otherwise specified ;
  • at the end of each challenge, you will have to vote for your three favourite icons + a special category icon (the special category will be specified at the time of the challenge) ;
  • tally will be done as follows : 6 points for 1st place, 4 points for 2nd place, 3 points for 3rd place, 3 points for the special category winner and 2 point for Mod's Choice ;
  • in addition, this year, you will also receive 1 point for entering each challenge, and 1 point for voting.
  • There will be no disqualification ! Which means you can skip as many rounds as you'd like (which is why you get points for entering when you do instead) ;
  • As said earlier, Rumble II will have 8 rounds/challenges. The overall winner will be the participant with the most points. There will also be a 2nd place, a 3rd place and an overall Mod's Choice.
  • Voting is not mandatory, however I would really appreciate if each participant could vote (and you get 1 point every time you do !).
  • Reasons for voting will be optional but appreciated.
General rules:
The general rules for disney_hush still apply : icons must not contain text, all icons must be newly created, etc.

If you wish to participate to this round, please leave a comment with your username + a Disney movie (animated) you'd like to work on (I'll try and use your suggestions, and this is also a way of seeing if you've read the rules ;-p). However, I'll try and prioritize movies we didn't use last year !

Please make sure you join and friend the community. There is no cap on how many people can participate, although I'm hoping to get at least 12 participants.

Feel free to promote disney_hush and this challenge !

1. gribouille (again, not eligible for Mod's Choice, obviously ;-p)
2. surmise
3. erinm_4600
4. candream
5. bobness1
6. adriftingsea
7. esgeee
8. kirtash_girl
9. moonshinefaerie
10. neaptidea
11. emharri
12. larmay
13. personaleclipse
14. sweetiepebbles
15. tarienemrys
16. luminousdaze
17. cool_spectrum

Round 1 will be up later this week and end on Monday, July 20 ; sign-ups will close when round 1 does.

Don't hesitate to comment (or PM me !) if you have any questions :-)

rumble ii, sign-up

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