Rumble, round II ?

Jul 03, 2015 16:49

Hi everyone !

It's summer again, which is always a great time for longer challenges ! I've decided to go for a rumble again, since a) everyone seemed to have fun last year, and b) this way you can choose to participate (or not) to pretty much as many challenges as you want to (since we started later this year, I'll be more lenient in terms of skips, as I know some of you might be going on holidays !).

What I would like to know, is what kind of theme/challenge you would be interested in !


If you have any suggestion/comment, you can reply to this post !

Also, we could combine different kinds of challenges, like we did last year. For instance, if we go with the colour challenge, I could give you a specific theme to go with it every week (like... brown and animals ?). Or the rumble could be centered around one single Disney movie, but I still provide you with screencaps every week.

I'll leave this poll open over the weekend, then we'll see what we do depending on the results ! (there'll probably be a second poll then depending on what you pick in this one)

In the mean time, enjoy your weekend and happy iconing !

rumble ii, mod!post

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