Challenge #100

May 19, 2008 17:39

Well, we've finally made it, Challenge 100! Thanks so much to everyone who's been a part of this community - whether you've been with us since the beginning or have just joined in - we never would have made it this far without you!

Because we've reached triple digits this challenge will have three different 'challenges' focusing on something different and you may submit up to 4 icons per challenge (for a total of 12 icons). You do not have to submit an icon for all the challenges - if you only wish to submit an icon for the second challenge that is fine.

Please make sure you thoroughly read the rules below as this challenge is a little different and a lot larger than our normal ones! Remember to be creative and have fun - if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

General Rules:
- You may submit up to 4 icons per challenge (for a total of 12 icons by Friday, May 30, 10:00pm PST.
- One icon per challenge may have readable text. All other icons are to follow normal rules - e.g. symbols such as !, @, *, ? and similar are not allowed. Tiny (unreadable) text is fine.
- textures/brushes etc are fine.
- blending is allowed (within the category only).
- You must post your icons in a comment to this entry.
- You must post the icon itself & the URL to the icon.

♥ Challenge One: Mickey Mouse
What would a celebatory challenge be without focusing on the most iconic of all Disney characters - the lovable Mickey Mouse. First appearing in the 1928 short "Plane Crazy" and then later that year, "Steamboat Willie", he has since appeared in numerous short films and pictures, and become one of the most recognisable characters in the world!

I have included a selection of pictures below for you to icon, though you are welcome to find your own, any source material (advert, poster, sketch, cap etc) is permitted. Other characters may feature as long as the focus is on Mickey.

Source: Disney Shorts and Disney.

♥ Challenge Two: Annie Leibovitz's Dream Portrait Series
In 2007 the Walt Disney Company commissioned portrait photographer Annie Leibovitz to create a series of photographs for Walt Disney World's Year of a Million Dreams campaign. The result being 11 stunning photos featuring celebrities as some of the most memorable Disney characters.

You may choose any of these photos to icon - you may only choose the same photo to icon as along as the focus is on a different character each time. If you're unsure who the actors/characters are, just hover your mouse over the thumbnail.

Source: various, thanks to filmowe for collating.

♥ Challenge Three: Our Favourite Things
If anyone were to ask I'm sure you could list several favourite movies, characters, and scenes from the many Disney movies produced. In fact, you may not be able to restrict yourself!

For the final challenge you may pick your favourite moment from any Disney movie (animated or live action) to icon. I'm looking forward to seeing some truly memorable and touching scenes!

Some picture sources:
Magical Screencaps
Disney Dreams

Community links:
suggest a challenge
current challenges

• if your icon wins, and you would like a banner, please let me know when submitting your icons.
• all winners, unless specifically requested, will be nominated at wd_awards at the end of the month :)

• You can post all your icons in one comment (if this is the case, please use the form below) or one post per challenge.

Challenge 1:
http://youriconlink#1"> http://youriconlink#2">

Challenge 2:
http://youriconlink#1"> http://youriconlink#2">

Challenge 3:
http://youriconlink#1"> http://youriconlink#2">

• current entry count:
- challenge 1: 18
- challenge 2: 29
- challenge 3: 28

mickey characters, 100, theme, challenge, dream portrait series

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