Stamped as Jane, Milo, and Lady || Andreas Deja Theme

Jan 19, 2011 21:56

 Name:  Emily
Age: 15
Previously stamped as: Jane Milo + Lady (main), Ursula (female villain), Caterpillar (Eric Larson), Indiana Jones (rides) Eilonwy (Dark Ages)
Describe your personality:
INTP - INTPS are logical, individualistic, reserved, and very curious individuals. They focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work. They are especially adept at discussions and debate. They have the ability to focus intently on a subject. They appreciate and respect intelligence in others

Analytical Thinker - Analytical Thinkers are reserved, quiet persons. They like to get to the bottom of things - curiosity is one of their strongest motives. They want to know what holds the world together deep down inside. They do not really need much more to be happy because they are modest persons. Many mathematicians, philosophers and scientists belong to this type. Analytical Thinkers loathe contradictions and illogicalness; with their sharp intellect, they quickly and comprehensively grasp patterns, principles and structures. They are particularly interested in the fundamental nature of things and theoretical findings; for them, it is not necessarily a question of translating these into practical acts or in sharing their considerations with others. Analytical Thinkers like to work alone; their ability to concentrate is more marked than that of all other personality types. They are open for and interested in new information.

Enneagram 5w6 "The Investigator" Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.
Positive adjectives: Intelligent, curious, imaginative, brave, confident, loyal, kind, loving, independent, adventurous, creative, witty, compassionate, passionate, mature, gracious
Negative adjectives: Arrogant, anxious, aloof, sensitive, lazy, tempermental, procrastinator, stubborn, feisty, sarcastic, secretive, cynical, skeptical

Determined or Accepting? Determined
Serious or full of jokes? Serious
Brave or Safe? Brave
Pacifist or Tempermental? Tempermental
Quiet or outspoken? Outspoken
Eccentric or normal? Eccentric
Leader or follower? Leader

Are there any characters that you are nothing like/don't relate to from the choices? Please try to limit this to 2! I am sooooo not like Gaston!
Would you like a male stamp, a female stamp, both, or it doesn't matter? I'd like both, if possible.
Anything else you'd like to add? Thanks for reading + voting!

andreas deja: lilo, andreas deja: mickey mouse

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