The Basics
Name: Lucy
Previously Stamped As:
Regular: Mulan/John Smith/Tramp
Peter Pan Theme: Wendy
Winnie the Pooh Theme: Owl
Narnia Theme: Susan
How would you describe yourself?(includes strengths and flaws): Strengths: Intelligent, kind, curious, ambitious, persistent, responsible, hardworking, compassionate, courteous, good listener, cheerful, calm/peaceful, logical, open-minded
Flaws:Stubborn, spacey, socially awkward, clumsy, vengeful, timid (sometimes), volcanic temper (sometimes), occasional lack of confidence.
What are you passionate about? School/career, science, animals/nature, music, books, sci-fi/fantasy
Pet Peeves?Rude, hateful and/or selfish people. Bees/wasp/hornets. Extreme and/or unnecessary violence. Arrogant people who act like they're better than everybody else. Insecure people who need to put others down or belittle their accomplishments in order to make themselves feel better. People who crack their knuckles *shudders*
What are you not so good at? Singing, dancing, athletics (anything involving coordination), social skills
Do you have any talents?Piano, cross-stitch
How do you view love? True,selfless, unconditional love can be a powerful force.
Are you more trusting or more cynical of others? Slightly more cynical. I'm not overly suspicious, but you do have to earn my trust.
How do you view friendship? They can be difficult and require hard work, but the rewards make them worthwhile.
This or That
Determined or laid back: Determined when it comes to things I really care about. Laid back when it comes to silly, unimportant things.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Optimistic or Pessimistic: More realistic
Mature or not so mature: Mature
Confident or Shy: Shy, I suppose, though "introverted" or "reserved" are more accurate.
Brave or Coward? Brave
Night or Day? Both can be beautiful. Probably a slight preference for day, because I can see better then.
Home or Adventure? An occasional adventure can be nice, but I'm always happy to come home.
What is your style in fashion? My mother says that I have no style. Sadly, she may be right. I go for comfortable and casual. The only time I like to dress up is for the Renaissance Festival :D
Are you more girly or tomboy? Hmmm...a mix. I'm not usually into dressing up or frilly things, but I come across as pretty feminine.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
Lover or Fighter: Lover, I guess. Though, I will fight if necessary.
What are your dreams for the future?To graduate from medical school, have a successful practice, enrich the lives of others. To die knowing I made the most of my life, and without too many regrets.
What do you look for in a mate? I'm not really looking for a mate right now, but if I were: compassion, kindness, confidence, intelligence.
If you could change one thing about you, what would it be? I can be extremely timid sometimes, and I really hate it.
A quote/lyric/song/saying that's important to you?
We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.
Mother Teresa
Anything else you feel needs to be said? Thank you for reading my application and voting :D