Name: Andrea
Age: 14
Previously stamped as:
Female: Wendy
Male: Quasimodo
Animal: Duchess
Renaissance: Jane
Describe your personality: I'm that type of person that you would assume is a shy and weird girl that lives in her own little world, sucked into a new book or drawing that I just created and that type of person that's basically a huge nerd for certain things that not everyone is into like comic books or animes or that brand new Doctor Who episode on tv. I'm also a dreamer that always spaces out too much and ends up sleeping somehow. I'm a very humorous, optimistic, friendly, caring, sincere, honest, loyal, kindhearted, creative, thoughtful and clever girl. However, there are times when I'm a complete and total bitch when I get extremely irritated. I'm also a very shy and awkward person that likes to spend most of her time alone and with a few people than have a bunch of people surrounding me and talking to me. I'm a huge crybaby and whenever I get stressed, I tend to burst in tears and give up what I'm doing. I am a very stubborn girl that refuses to do most things that my parents tell me to do and just do whatever I want. I'm also waay too quiet for my own good and rarely talk to anyone. I can be extremely insecure with myself and can get very low self-esteem because of it. I'm also easily scared by everything and I'm the laziest and worst procrastinator ever, I won't do work until the last second or don't do it at all. Also, people tell me I'm mature for my age but sometimes, I don't feel like I'm mature at all because of my behavior sometimes lol. Oh and I'm also the kind of person that dosen't need a boyfriend or significant other to be happy.
Positive adjectives: Humorous, Optimistic, Friendly, Caring, Sincere, Honest, Loyal, Kindhearted, Creative, Thoughtful, Clever, Dreamer, Tolerance
Negative adjectives: Shy, Awkward, Emotional, Moody, Stubborn, Quiet, Insecure, Cowardice, Lazy, Low Self-Esteem, Immature at times, Spacey, I can be a real bitch when I get irritated sometimes just saying.
Determined or Accepting: Accepting
Making your own Destiny or Accepting Fate: Accepting fate
Brave or Safe: Safe
Pacifist or Tempermental: Pacifist
Quiet or outspoken? Quiet
Tomboy or girly? Both but I'm actually more of an inbetween girl because I love pink but then again, I rarely wear skirts and dresses lol, and I have more geeky interests :P
Leader or follower? Follower
Are there any characters that you are nothing like/don't relate to from the choices? I don't see Mickey at all in me to be honest. Too much of a leader type.
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