• Name: Maia
• Over 13? (since we respect the LJ code): 18
• Previous Stamps:
Original Female: Cinderella
Original Male: Hercules
Original Animal: Flounder
Classic Theme: Minnie Mouse
Winnie the Pooh Theme: Kanga
Minion Theme: Kronk
Live Action Heroine Theme: Tia
Inanimate Object/Character Theme: Armoire
Female Villians: Lady Tremaine
Male Villians: Bowler Hat Guy
Minor Male: Chien-Po
Sequel Characters: Su
Magical: Blue Fairy
Live Action Villians: Gwen Grayson
Renaissance Female: Jane Porter
Renaissance Male: Quasimodo
PotC: Weatherby Swann
Narnia: Susan
Wonderland: White Rabbit
• How would you describe yourself? (includes strengths and flaws):
Positive adjectives: protective. maternal. patient. determined. hard-working. caring. organized. dedicated. dreamer. loving. intelligent. talented. kind. sweet. gentle. loyal. soft-spoken. traditional. classic. romantic. passive. optimistic. mature. safe
Negative adjectives: sensitive. stubborn. push-over. driven. emotional. quiet. introverted. easily nervous. worrier. Cautious.
• What are you passionate about?
• Pet Peeves?
• Do you have any talents?
• How do you view love?
• Are you more trusting or more cynical of others?
• How do you view friendship?
This or That
Determined or laid back: both.
Implusive or Cautious: cautious
Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimistic
Mature or not so mature: mature
Confident or Shy: confident and quiet
Brave or Coward: coward
Night or Day: day
Home or Adventure: home
What is your style in fashion? cute, comfy. I love vintage
Are you more girly or tomboy? girly
Introverted or Extroverted: introverted
Lover or Fighter: lover.
What are your dreams for the future? graduate college, get married and have children. I really want to be a mommy.
What do you look for in a mate? someone confident who makes me brave and loves me.
If you could change one thing about you, what would it be? my ability to speak up
A quote/lyric/song/saying that's important to you?
Anything else you feel needs to be said? No.