regular applicaion

Jul 07, 2009 19:19

Name: Kamila
Age: 15
Describe your personality: nice, shy, polite, helpful, a little selfish, i trust people too easily, talkative and stubborn, a little clumsy
Postive and negative traits you would have as a hero: i don't know, i thought only of negative one: i would be really scared if i would be able to save someone or not.
What do you consider to be some of your worst fears? dark and spiders
What would be your weapons of choice? can i pick magic ? ^^
Your outfit (it's design and colors): trousers and t-shirt, has to be comfortable.
Favourites (colour, food, music, etc.): color: pink, food: ramen, music: pop
THIS OR THAT: (there's room for both in some cases)
Love or Hate ( which do you find you do more of): Love
Determined or Accepting: Determined
Making your own Destiny or Accepting Fate: making your own destiny
Brave or Safe: Brave
Pacifist or Tempermental: Tempermental
Quiet or outspoken? in between, depends on with who i am.
Forgiving or vengeful? Forgiving
Leader or follower? follower
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Asia
How would you defeat the villian? with my magic xDDDDD
Damsel in Distress, Loner,Anti-hero - which hero type describes you best? Damsel in Distress.
Anything else you'd like to add? no ^^
( Optional)Post a picture of yourself (in costume is great!), if you have one and are comfortable doing this. If not, just describe yourself: 164 cm, black quite long hair, brown eyes, a little dark skin.
Do you want to be stamp Male,Female,Animal or all 3: all 3 please :)

stamped: animal: pegasus, stamped: female: cinderella, stamped: male: hercules

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