005 // action // backdated a bit // ota

Jul 20, 2011 10:31

[ Wondering why she's been gone a while, Academy? Because only recently has Helga picked up her patrol again. If anything, her evening patrol was the one solid thing that happened every afternoon. When it stopped, well, who wouldn't notice? Much like it had Hiccup and Lottie, the Mist made her relapse, nearly stealing her ability to walk. It made her weak, and she wasn't allowing anyone to see her in that state, no siree. Since then she's gathered herself, getting back down to business and even, making her room seem a little less plastic.

It seems she's made use of what vast, bland wall she has, and by her doorframe, a collage displaying all the places she'd been (and all the places she wouldn't mind going back to.) like the valleys of Egypt, the plains of Maryland, the cities of Germany, the gates of Japan and the palaces of Korea. She doesn't mind the exposure, it was something nice to look at, rather than just the walls. With the door open to air out her room, she's been going through a bit of her more personal belongings, organizing them, and tossing out what she didn't need nor want. The little things would collect from her pockets and other assortments. Feel free to pop in without appointment; she has tea on the hot plate, and not much else to do on this bland summer afternoon. ]

p: helga sinclair

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