[The Academy has been quiet...waaayy too quiet for Yuffie's tastes. Yes, the Mist was frightful and left the ninja out of her element. She didn't feel like herself and realized a few things.
1. She didn't do anything when the damn thing rolled on in like it owned the place.
2. She needed to buy candles in case that happened again because it got way too dark for her tastes.
Lastly, 3. She needed to find a way to keep her ninja skills sharp! What better way than..to play a little prank on everyone?
For the past couple of hours at night she's been tying what look like to be little cute origami animals to people's doorknobs within the halls of Joe West. Nothing harmless about them, right? After all, who would suspect a crane of doing anything?]
[But once she's completed it she can't help but grin. Everything ready...and with a few minor fire spells the tiny fuse has been lit and...
[All of them go off at once. It's just a loud noise meant to wake everyone up and keep them on their toes. And Yuffie of course, is trying to act all scared and frightened, trying hard to suppress the urge to laugh and giggle.
No one would suspect her!
...Well hopefully.
But let this be a lesson to you Academy! Never, EVER, let Yuffie get bored. It never ends well...for anyone. Except her.]
[ooc: So nothing was damaged! It's all just a loud pop sound meant to get everyone awake! Best wake up call, right?!]