[Rapunzel has been on Cloud 9 for the past week. Maybe you've noticed her dancing down the halls on her way to lunch, or seen her slightly spaced out in the library with the biggest smile in the world on her face. Maybe you haven't noticed her at all because she's been reserving her spare time to be with a certain someone.
Either way, you'll
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Ooh, what are you drawing?
Oh! Oh, I-- Just, y'know...
[She's actually just finished a sketch of Eugene which she now looks down at, biting down on her lip, cheeks flushing red]
Sorry if I scared you! [She takes a peek.] Wow, you're really good!
Is he -- I mean, I feel like I've seen him around before.
[She cuts the rambling off before it gets out of hand, drawing in a breath and holding it for a second before she lets it out again.]
That's Eugene~ --I mean Flynn! Flynn Rider~
Oh, that's right. I knew I'd seen him before.
[She gestures to the space by Rapunzel.]
Do you mind if I take a seat?
Of course not! Go ahead, I'd love some company~
So -- why're you drawing him?
[OOC: And have they met before? I've been gone so long I can't remember!]
Because I... I just can't-- stop thinking about him. See, he's-- he's my boyfriend~ ♥
[And that's enough to get her grinning like an idiot.]
((pffff i was totally just about to ask you XDDD))
Oh my gosh! You mean -- like, recently?!
[She pauses and giggles.]
Oops! I'm Ariel. I meant to tell you but --
((WELP. :D))
YES!! I- I've never had a boyfriend before, but- He took me out on my birthday and we went to the Kingdom and I've always DREAMED of seeing the Kingdom and- and the lantern festival and he kissed me and-- [~dreamy sigh~] I've never been kissed before - Tulio told me to save it for someone special - and ever since then I just can't stop thinking about him or smiling or...!
[She pauses for a second to breathe and compose herself, pushing hair out of her face as she lets out an anxious laugh]
I-I'm sorry, I completely- I'm Rapunzel! It's so nice to meet you, Ariel~
That's so exciting! I have a boyfriend, too, and it just gets better and -- oh my gosh, I know exactly how you feel! It's just - it sounds so romantic! So, so romantic!
[This will never end.]
It- It gets BETTER?!?! But- But it's already so amazing, how could it ever...?!?
[She has to turn a little in her seat to face her fully because clearly this is a conversation that requires her to be ready to jump to her feet if she has to]
It just does, trust me! Things with my boyfriend - his name is Eric - have just gotten better and better and it's just so perfect at some point you can't even -- you can't even believe it! When are you two gonna see each other next?!
I- I wanted to go see him later this afternoon-- How does it get better?! What is it like with you and Eric?? Do- Do you get that warm, tingly feeling whenever he's near you??
You should! It just -- I mean, Eric always does these really sweet things for my all the time. Like -- like dinner under the stars. Or just doing really small gestures that are just -- they mean so much because it's Eric and -- and -- it's all gonna happen to you, you'll see!
[OMG. You understand her infatuation completely!]
Yes! Yes! All the time!
[She's already imagining Eugene being even more amazing and wonderful than he already is, and that alone is filling her with said warm tinglies. The best part of all this is absolutely the fact that YES, SOMEONE UNDERSTAAAANDS]
Aww, now I really can't wait to see him again later!!
And-- And the kisses? Do kisses get better, too?!
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