[ While she wasn't all that sore about...well, literally, missing out on Spring, Meg decided sitting around, hiding, wasn't going to be any better. Nope. She'd miss out on all of it, if she did.
So straightening things up in her dorm, today's a day out, on the fountain, all by her lonesome, with a copy of---nothing. No books this time. Odd? Maybe
Read more... )
But upon seeing her form on the fountain, that fear turned into utmost relief. She wanted to cry, she wanted to run and embrace Meg and make sure she was real, that this wasn't some illusion or nightmare. However, Jasmine couldn't bring herself to do that. The agreement had sobered her up greatly, and the impending conversation with Aladdin and Axel about it weighed heavy on her mind. To be perfectly frank, she didn't really have the emotional energy to do what her heart wanted.
Instead, she quietly approached the Grecian, and sat down next to her.]
I'm sorry.
[Jasmine set a gentle hand on Meg's arm.
Oh, thank Allah she's real, she's tangible... she's warm and alive.]
You were only doing what your heart told you to.
[She couldn't hold Mozenrath against Megara. After all, Jasmine, herself, had made plenty of horrible, life-altering decisions by listening to her own messed up heart.]
I am just relieved Hades kept his end of the deal, and that you are back.
What deal.
[Allah knows there's plenty of times she should have been purposefully ignorant... it really is bliss.]
[ How pissed does that tone sound? Not pissed enough. Meg isn't mad at her, but she is, but she isn't. She already feels as though she may have just let her best friend---her only friend, get played over because of her mistake.
She just wanted to see how bad the damage is.
Then we'll start seeing how upset she gets. ]
He promised to avenge your death, but... we would have to work together. I... agreed. It was only after we shook that he told me what the deal and the price exactly was.
He would bring you back, and I would make him Sultan.
[She waits, to see if Meg realizes what the last bit completely entails.]
[ Disbelief? Totally. But all that time in the library helped her understand. Sultan. And she was princess-- ]
He had you, and---
[ There's an unexplainable amount of frustration in her tone. It was happening. All over again. ]
How could you do that?! That's---
[ That's me over a whole country. ]
Why would you even agree to empty terms!? He's Hades---well, obviously you've never dealt with him before, but still, that, I just---
Why would he approach you? You didn't do anything---
[ Click. ]
Oh. Oh no no no no no.
I am sorry, Meg... but... I am selfish. I needed you, and no thanks to Mozenrath, you were out of reach... [She had turned to Axel, gotten him involved and even injured; she had involuntarily involved the innocent Roxas as well.] I could not just sit around and turn down an oppertunity to bring you back... and to have justice served.
[Whatever "justice" Hades could inflict.]
[ How to put this. ]
He doesn't have any reason to if he already has what he wants.
[ i.e. Me, and now she guesses Agrabah. But why. Why would a god, banished to rule the Underworld forever, want a country? It didn't make sense to her. ]
And our deal is not quite yet complete.
[Meg must not have completely put two and two together, yet. Hades was getting more than just a country. Oh, much more.]
[ Revenge? For what? ]
Listen, Meg, you absolutely cannot! If the deal does not go through, for all I know, he can reverse what has been done, and Allah damn it all, I am not going to lose you again!
[For killing Hades' "toy", of course. Brozzie stepped on his toes doing that.]
[ Meg doesn't realize it until she's near yelled, that she has Jasmine by the shoulders. She lets her go, regretting her sudden outburst. ]
I just---I don't want you shanghai'd into something for me. I'm not worth it. You're a princess, you have a country. I'm just---Meg.
And you are much more that just Meg. You are the best friend I have ever had. Agrabah is covered in Mist, and my people are refugees who-knows-where; they are safe from Hades, and the land is useless until the Mist recedes. It was worth it.
He'll own you, just like he owns me. He could've brought me back whenever, however, at his beck and call!
[ Check yourself, girlfriend. ]
Until the Mist recedes. Yeah. Now we're just better off waiting until then, aren't we.
[ Pissed Meg is still pissed. She runs a hand through her hair, trying to find what she can of her sense, trying to find a way to calm down, but every thought she had re-directed back to 'I now have a friend in servitude.' ]
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