[There's a bit of a static fuzz, then some feedback noise, and then the sound of a cat meowing before the camera finally settles on Milo's nervous face.]
H-Hi everyone! Milo Thatch here. Some of you might remember me and uh... some of you might be new. Or never met me or-- er, nevermind.
[He shook it off, and smiled brightly when he thought of classes.]
I'm offering a wide range of classes again! If you love learning as much as I do, please sign up! I'm going to be teaching:
World History,
Elementary Latin and
Intermediate Latin.
If you show a lot of promise and dedication for languages we can even arrange some private tutoring sessions. I know a wide variety! Universal translators, while convenient, are NOT the way to truly learn a language! To immerse yourself in another culture is the most rewarding experience you could ever give yourself and-- [He's distracted when his cat, thankfully, hops into his lap.]
Oh! Um... [He pets her head, clears his throat, and addresses the camera again.]
Also, I'll be helping with the restoration of the Arts building and Hundred Acre Wood. I hope to see all of you pitching in to help our school! That's... um... it... uh... thanks!