(no subject)

Apr 10, 2011 17:18

[If your communicator was off, it's on now. Puck's in no mood to be ignored! He had sent out a handful of piskies -quite quick little creatures, hard to see as they flit about; not to mention none-too-bright and easy to control- to turn on every last communicator around the school.

The camera pans to Puck's classroom, empty aside for the forest greenery, and a statue covered in moss. A whirlwind forms out of nowhere, revealing "Robin Goodfellow". He lightly sits down on top of the statue, smiling pleasantly.]

Seeing as my tutoring offer did not get many takers -unless, of course, you would still like to do so, Rapunzel- I am currently offering an extra credit course, starting... right now.

If any of my students are interested or behind in grades -as I know some are- I highly recommend you come to my classroom immediately. And, of course, this is a one in a lifetime opportunity to experience interacting the rare Asrai sprites, and Kelpies. Not only will it be a hand-on sort of deal, but there's no write-up involved. Simply come and receive extra credit. Easy enough, no? Besides, it should be a fun and enjoyable experience for most; perhaps it’ll even give you poor students something to do, since I know there isn’t much fun to be had on campus at the moment.

And I'm sure, seeing as classes are cancelled and there‘s no current way boost grades for them, I can convince some of the other professors to allow this opportunity to count towards their classes too~. Or, if they'd rather, they can see it for themselves instead of taking my word for it.

[Whether or not he can do that is a whole other matter, but it sure sounds enticing, no? This way, Puck can finally interact with his own students again, maybe entice some that aren‘t (and maybe some teachers as well) into joining.]

I look forward to seeing you all soon.

[The camera flicks off. Technically, since extra credit isn't mandatory, Puck just skirted around the no-no of teaching during cancellation. Aint he a stinker?]

r: nani, r: eilonwy, r: rapunzel, p: puck, r: peter pan

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