Mar 16, 2011 23:24
[Normally young Jane Calvin rises early, but on this particular morning she can still be found curled up in her bed fast asleep, arms wrapped around a cuddly stuffed toy. After that silly little encounter with Lilo and her games of pretend, Jane had gone straight to her room and stayed up studying quite late into the night. Now she wants nothing more than to lay there in her comfortable bed for just a few more cozy hours.
After some time, her eyes flutter open. The soft, plush bear in her arms still sleeps soundly, and she gives him gentle squeeze. Normally she'd consider hugging a teddy bear far too juvenile and childish for a girl her age to do, but right now Jane doesn't care.
She's luckier than most at the school this morning. She looks, feels and sounds just as she did the day before. most people at the school, that is.]
p: jane calvin,
r: lotso