Mar 16, 2004 00:14
I feel like I have lost all of my friends. Honestly.
I was told today by my "best friend" that it wasn't worth the effort. Shut down to the max. He said he didnt deserve the title of best friend (no shit sherlock, but that was obviously where I wanted you!) Good-bye to yet another best friend, Rodney Moreh
Many of my "friends" just use me. They use me for rides, they use me for money... anything, cuz they know I don't know how to say no. I only get invited places when they need a ride. Yeah, no need to write who they are. If it is you, you know. You are the one that only invites me because you need a fucking ride or you are broke. Well, FUCK YOU TOO
Still over friends only chill with me when they have absolutly nothing better to do. Plans got cancelled? Call Melissa, she will invite you to go along wherever she is going... Peace out to you too
I AM SO TIRED OF ALL OF YOUR SHIT!!! DANNY IS RIGHT, I AM TOO FUCKING NICE. Granted, I can be mondo bitch, but hey, you prolly deserve it! In fact, all of you two faced, shit talking, friend abusing, skanks need to pull your head out of your ass and get real!
Granted, the few friends I do have, I like to do nice things for. But friendship is a two way street mother fucker!
I feel like I have four friends (forgive if I happen to forget a true friend, my vision is shady right now) But it is SSOOOOOO FUCKING HARD@! Because, those 4 friends I have are Jenna, Brett, Danny, and K House. Now, I love all four of them, but Jenna and Danny together = akward, Jenna and Brett together = Silence.... so basically, I can hang out with Jenna, Brett and Danny, and any of those combos with K House. I am like a fucking schitzo with my friends. It is so hard to have 4 friends who actually are true friends, and make time for you, when you can't even make it mixed company! But even still, they call or text me just for the fun of it, they talk to me on the phone for hours on end, they drive across the valley to simply eat lunch with me. They are honestly there for me when I need them, and know just what to say. That is more than most can say.
If you feel that you have grounds to be added to this list, then by all means comment, because unless you do I will continue to assume that I have 4 friends. But that is fine, cuz if you dont want me, I dont want you.
Not a big loser with no friends, not.
<3, geek
EDIT: P.S.- Having 4 friends is good, and it is better than 2. But, it can be better than 5 too. I had 5 friends once. Having 5 friends is overrated. I didnt have time for them all. ((right Jenna?!))