May 14, 2010 22:20
So this is sort of an overall off-topic post for all other random things that don't quite fit the purpose of the request post.
You know, questions you'd like answered, random other bits of fluff, discussions about how thus-and-such pairing rocks way hardcore ...
So ... *claps* Get to it! Post to your Disney-loving heart's content! ♥
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I got the impression that the Flightmare ate the algae all the time, but because the algae only glowed under the aurora, so did the Flightmare. (Not sure how it can be exactly every ten years that the aurora is visible in Berk, but I digress.) Toothless is such a dork in that episode, like, ooh the river is shiny let's try eating some of that. In my head it's s sort of pretty pearly blue-grey when it's not glowing because why not. The Speed Stingers work on dragons and humans alike, and there seems to be a sort of similarity between them, maybe? Like, perhaps it's a similar thing, just more concentrated in the Speed Stingers. But I think it would make the Flightmare rather overpowered. Besides the fact that just flying up to a ship full of Beserkers and freezing the bastards being a very good option unless they can use flamethrowers to burn it off before it reaches them.
Oh god, the Flightmare and Thornado having to share whatever shed that is that Thornado usually has. Stoick, Gobber, three teenagers, three dragons, and however many Terrors Anna collects. "ONE MORE GAME OF DRAGON TAG AND YOU LOT ARE MOVING TO THE GREAT HALL."
Hiccup shouting "Yeah baby" just will not stop cracking me up. Like, Alvin and the Outcasts, Thawfest, and I swear there's another episode he does it in as well. And now in the sequel. Hiccup... you're not helping Dagur and his little shipping problem here. And neither is the fact that Toothless sleeps in your room. Dagur is just like the tinhat RPF shippers or something, omg.
Yeah, I think the only good thing about Snotlout's delivery of the line in View to a Skrill is that he isn't looking at Astrid when he says it. Thaaaat would have earned him a punch, I think.
Hiccup had me cackling in that first clip, I have to admit. He's all, I might be your prisoner but we both know I'm kinda the one in charge here. You get the feeling he really isn't worried about this and if he'd needed to buy more time, he probably just would have produced weapon after weapon and nerded about it a bit, like Aragorn at the Golden Hall only with extra dorkery.
Toothless chasing the spark is adorable. I also love Stormfly repeatedly chasing the flaming sword that Hiccup has developed. (I was scrolling through your blog as I wrote that, and then I found the gifs and the Eret: "What game are you playing?" Comment: "Fetch, maybe?")
Oh maaaan, that reminds me. There's this prompt on the HTTYD Kink Meme on Dreamwidth which is, like, superhero!rider!Hiccup and I wantitiwantitiwantit. Like, I don't know if I want to read it or to write it, but I wants it my precious.
Ruff, you're perving. And I'm sitting here admiring the animation to put sweat on Eret's biceps. *shakes head*
kadhgksdhg that is totally a you follow Rafiki moment. Valka, calm down. Though you can totally see that Hiccup takes after his Mom, bless him. And itty bitty baby Gronckles! Maybe dragons can actually breed all year round somewhere sufficiently warm, but tend to breed on that one island at around Snoggletog out of pretty much habit?
Now I can picture Toothless chasing snowflakes around instead of sparks. And Hiccup just walking in on this game like what the hell, guys? Because while they're still doing the forbidden friendship bit and Toothless is at the cove -- Hiccup will probably suggest that Elsa move to the cove to keep an eye, rather than wandering as she would be once she heals up -- then Hiccup is coming and going but Elsa is there all the time. And I totally want a moment for pure cute where Hiccup can't find Elsa in the morning, and she's sleeping under Toothless's wing. Also because I want to set that up as an echo in the end scene where Toothless saves Hiccup after the Red Death.
Maybe it’s a certain kind of aurora? But, I don’t know a lot about aurora but I’d assume they probably don’t work like that where they show up every ten years. They show up whenever they want, basically. Toothless is a dork in that episode, yes, but also totally badass doing the divert the flow of water thing. Meanwhile Astrid is being super reckless and Hiccup basically is torn between being like “I got your flower baby” and “Astrid no” and also being super helpful and just a precious prince.
The freezing thing is probably a more concentrated thing with the Speed Stingers, yeah. Both are temporary but Flightmare is mere minutes and Speed Stingers are many hours or up to a day. And it probably depends on the person because Snotlout takes like forever before he’s unfrozen. At least Gustav got to help. Gustlout!
"ONE MORE GAME OF DRAGON TAG AND YOU LOT ARE MOVING TO THE GREAT HALL." is hilarious, omg. Oh, poor Stoick, so many games of dragon tag. And yes, let Anna tear up the Great Hall with her slew of dragons, omg.
It’s sort of like Hiccup is just asking people (including Dagur) to ship him and Toothless. It probably amuses Hiccup too, that jerk. He probably laughs and snarks about it and is like, hey, Toothless did you know that people think we should be a romantic couple? And he laughs. And Toothless probably does the creepy demonic laugh thing. And then they face nuzzle or something. Because why not laugh about it while also not helping their case.
I can’t help but see them similar to JD and Turk from Scrubs, who are best friends and they both marry ladies but they sort of skirt this line of like romantic friendship. Probably why the term bromance was created. But, JD and Turk even have a lovely song about their friendship called Guy Love. And that’s sort of Hiccup and Toothless I guess. And there’s a shot of Hiccup and Toothless forehead touching in HTTYD2 apparently (it’s appeared in tv promos, too) here’s a gifset with it. And like, forehead touching is one of my weaknesses. Like, it’s just something beautiful about it.
And I still love that moment when Toothless finally touches his hand and Hiccup’s head just dips in sort of surprise and it’s sort of like the tremendous amount of meaning and importance and the fact that his life is changed forever in that moment just hits him with that headdip and waaaaah.
I pretty much Brotp them hard; practically a platonic OTP for me.
Yeah, good thing he didn’t look at Astrid when he said that, because yes, she would have punched him.
Hiccup totally would nerd about his weapons omg. And yeah, he totally isn’t worried and Astrid’s like, “What is this plan…?” and he gives this hand movement to Astrid’s that’s like, “No worries, babe, I got this.”
And Toothless chasing the spark is adorable and it sort of looks like he’s avoiding it rather than playing with it, but why would he avoiding, he’s probably fireproof.
Oh, gosh, I love that Fetch maybe comment, omg. Like, I love that Stormfly is just returning Hiccup’s sword and like, Eret keeps throwing it. Stormfly, you lovely dragon.
And there’s this great comment about Hiccup trying to climb the rock and the comments are great especially, “Heart of a chief. Soul of a dragon. Booty of a God. Gracefulness of a drunken platypus.”
I do love that Toothless watches and waits until Hiccup starts to actually walk before he starts to move as well.
I really wish the HTTYD Kink Meme was a mite more active. There was also one on LJ, and it has fic but was mostly only active in 2010. Sighs.
Ooh, that’s a good theory: dragons being able to breed all year round depending on the weather conditions. And Berk dragons because of the crappy cold weather just sort of do a bird thing and fly south for the winter (that island).
He totally would chase snowflakes. And oh wow, that would be super cute if Elsa is sleeping under Toothless’s wing.
Stoick, Gobber, Hiccup, Elsa, Anna, Toothless, Thornado, Flightmare, Terrors. That is a household and a half. And I don't even want to think about how much fish they must get through. And Gobber's grumping around talking about the arena and Hiccup is going LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT THAT, and Anna is Anna and probably wants to make snow angels in her underwear or go riding in the middle of the night, and Elsa doesn't necessarily work to the same rules as everyone else and if she can't sleep probably goes to curl up under Toothless's wings again. And then Stoick is left wondering how the hell he can tell the lost princess of Arendelle to get out of his son's room this is totally inappropriate. Plus Astrid probably just wanders in like she owns the place, like in The Heather Report. Poor Stoick. It's one thing to handle being a chief, but quite another to keep track of that houseful.
You know in Race to Fireworm Island when Tuffnut talks about playing the 'I heard' game? I kind of want to have them playing that at one point, while Hiccup is apprenticing in the Arena. And it ends with someone going, "Well, I heard that Hiccup has a wildling girlfriend that he sneaks out to see at night" and Hiccup just almost headbutts the Gronckle or something because he tends to climb out his window to go and visit Toothless and, by extension, Elsa. But it's just Tuff making shit up. But I'm trying to think of other weird shit for "I heard". Like "I heard that Gobber still has eight toes" or "I heard that if you eat fireworm dung you can shoot smoke out your ears" or just the random shit that teenagers come out with. And I'll probably have something making fun of the Jorgensens because they're the Jorgensens.
Hiccup and Toothless are just... aw, man. It's like platonic soulmates, almost. Like, Hiccup is sweet to all dragons, you can see that with Torch and with how he treats Hookfang-before-he-gets-called-Hookfang in the movie, but with Toothless there's just so much more there.
And I can totally see those two sassy assholes just acting gay in front of everyone else to mess with their heads. Like a pair of trolls. And Hiccup just greets Toothless with "Hey, baby" instead of bud, and Toothless plunks down and wraps a forelimb around Hiccup, and Snotlout just pulls this disturbed face and Astrid is facepalming. Though Hiccup probably draws the line at eating the regurgitated fish again. (Actually, Elsa might have been hungry enough for long enough out in the wildlands that she would eat it, though she'd probably want to cook it first. And Hiccup's like, "But dragon germs!" and Elsa's just, "But legend says that Night Fury saliva has healing properties" and for a moment Hiccup isn't even sure whether she's messing with him or not.)
I actually do like the way that Hiccup's movements are animated, though. Because of the prosthetic, he doesn't have a left ankle joint so he's always sort of aware of that leg. And Valka is using the staff to help her about, whereas Hiccup hasn't come up with a gadget for that yet. Damn it, Hiccup, get working on retractable grappling hooks already, pfft.
Dreamworks stuff always has these levels of sass and screwball comedy that I struggle to replicate. Like, I'm trying to do ROTG stuff from Elsa's POV, and it is a nightmare to keep track of Elsa, all five Guardians, plus Tooth's girls and the usual stray Elves. Likewise *points upwards* that household. Stoick, I actually feel your pain right about now.
I’m in South Texas (~150 miles away from Mexico), so I’ve never seen an aurora either, but I definitely would love to see one. It’s probably super breathtaking. And yeah, with Elsa around, let’s just call it magic because yay magic!
Omg, the Stoick trying to figure how to tell Elsa not to sleep in Hiccup’s room because it’s inappropriate, I love it. Sorry Stoick. I can’t help but wonder if he told something to Hiccup and Astrid off-screen in How To Start A Dragon Academy because I’m fairly certain (but not completely) that the scene where he’s sort of “oh everything hurts” and then she shows up in his room and then Stoick shows up, is like the only time she and him are in his room together. Maybe he was like, “Son, it’s not appropriate for Astrid to be in your room.” Haha, Stoick, jokes on you, they have dragons they can fly off to places where you can’t control their behaviors.
And haha, the way she just slams open the door in Heather Report and then KICKS Hiccup awake is hilarious and awesome and poor Hiccup. And again, the lazy guard dragon just sort of does nothing. Astrid would totally just walk in like she owns the place too, poor Stoick. Like, you think you’re the head of household, Chief? More like, all those teenagers and the Night Fury.
Ooh, that would be a fun scene to have in. A bunch of teenagers playing the “I heard” game. And I’m sure when they aren’t doing important drills and such and just sort of hanging out, they probably actually do that in canon. I just love the idea of them just relaxing and acting like teenagers because we don’t see that too much in canon because of the nature of the franchise (always in battles, and such). That’s basically why I love fanworks because in fanworks I can see or show characters in ways that the viewer normally doesn’t get to see for whatever reason.
They are totally soul mates, without a doubt. You know that Aristotle quote, that’s basically, “Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.”? Hiccup and Toothless are basically the definition of that quote. Like, you could look it up in a dictionary and see the two of them doing a duckface selfie next to the quote (that would actually be quite a sight, omg). And yeah, Hiccup is super great to all dragons and probably loves them all, but like, with Hiccup and Toothless, it’s totally love but love doesn’t feel even near enough profound enough to describe it. Like, I would love to hear Hiccup say “I love you” to Toothless, but like, I sort of feel that don’t need to hear it because it’s so incredibly obvious.
Basically, if Hiccup and Toothless were Jaeger pilots in Pacific Rim (or within that ‘verse), they’d be drift compatible, and it’d be beautiful and lovely.
Hiccup probably has to put up with regurgitated fish so much. I wonder if Toothless regurgitated a fish to Gobber and then was like, “Well?” and Hiccup’s like, “He wants you to eat it. He’s sharing.” And Hiccup just watches in amusement as Gobber eats the fish. And both Toothless and Hiccup are just totally amused and Toothless is like, yes, we can be friends, surrogate father/mother of Hiccup.
(Ooh, that would be something interesting to include. Toothless sharing food with Elsa.)
Considering there are custom stables for the dragons, as per Hiccup’s narration, I wonder if Toothless has one and how used it is. Toothless probably has one and it’s totally badass but he doesn’t sleep in there (he sleeps in Hiccup’s room of course), except if Hiccup is there. I can totally picture Hiccup and Toothless being found one morning sprawled out together in the hay sleeping together. Toothless maybe having one foreleg around Hiccup and Hiccup has like a ton of hay in his hair. Bonus if both are snoring or something. And Astrid finds them still asleep and it’s a shame cameras won’t exist for almost a millennium because that deserves to have a photograph.
Yeah, there was just a way about Hiccup’s movement as he begins to get up with his prosthetic as he’s following Valka that sort of struck me. It’s not exactly STIFF (or maybe it is), but yeah, like you say, he kinda is always sort of aware of the leg. Like, the way he has it out is like just straight, no bend, not even at the knee (and he still has a knee there), too, so it’s interesting. It should be interesting to see how he walks five years post-amputation. Here’s a post from the art book that shows his prosthetic. (Click the images to see it bigger). He has like three settings, apparently. Walking, ice, and riding.
And he definitely needs grappling hooks.
For me, I’ve noticed it is hard as hell to write many characters in a fic. Like, at some point I just end up neglecting some. At most, I can probably write about six people in a scene together before it gets too crowded and I’m like, fuck it’s gotten too hard how do I include all these characters.
I love it when we see the teenagers acting like teenagers, which we do see very occasionally. Like, when they're all snowed in during Frozen, or when Hiccup is trying to teach them something in Animal House (I think?) and there's the quiz, and it just descends into them firing at each other via dragons. Because that's what would happen if you gave teenagers dragons.
I wonder if Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Young Man was supposed to be his fifteenth birthday or something. Because it would figure that they'd get their picture done at a certain age.
Yeah, Gobber would just shrug and eat the fish, I guess. He's been around dragons long enough he's probably seen them spit up fish for each other before. Stoick would be like, "You want... what?" and Anna would just be like, "And I thought carrots were bad" if this was after she met Kristoff.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was a BKA that Hiccup had to have with whatever happened with the Red Death (I'm guessing it was really badly broken, or that it was partially burnt away because it was outside the cover of Toothless's wing or something. Or maybe that a flying tooth in the explosion hit it??). So he does have a bend there, but I think there's still issues with the muscles and moving things because if there's only a short stump, it doesn't give you a lot of leverage. Can't remember where I read that, though. So it's probably easier to lock the knee sometimes, because otherwise planting and then straightening might be an issue. Most of the time in the series he's running around okay, though. He doesn't seem to have too much of a limp.
With Elsa's ankle, I'll probably have it heal up pretty much okay. If it gets bad, she can always encase it in ice to hold it, as well, but it'll be a weakness if she falls again or whatever. I think once something's been dislocated, it gets more likely to dislocate again. Though the bone tends to grow back stronger, so hopefully it'll be harder to break. As long as Elsa gets calcium, which... could be a bit of an issue. She's probably a little malnourished when we see her as a wildling. But magic *waves hands*. She'll be okay.
Hiccup, you are just... Batman. Or a walking Swiss Army knife, one or the other. It really looks like he invented compasses and spyglasses and stuff now.
God, yes, lots of characters makes for chaos. I think I've read that most people tend to stall out at about seven concepts (counting seven items at a glance, seven characters in a scene, whatever) so that's effectively the upper limit. Beyond that you tend to break things down into chunks, like Hiccup+Toothless become one concept, or Astrid+Stormfly, so you're still only dealing with six.
I can easily imagine Toothless not wanting/not being able to sleep without Hiccup nearby. Like, seriously. Luckily at least he doesn't climb on the bed. And he totally wouldn't mind cuddling up with Elsa, either. And Stoick is just, okay, we DEFINITELY are not having all three of you curled up together dear god this is awkward. And Gobber's just vaguely amused at this fail.
Aw man, now I'm imagining Toothless on his front with one human under each wing. He totally would.
Yep, that’s exactly what would happen when you give teenagers giant firebreathing winged reptiles, yep. And that adorable snowboarding scene involving dragons between Hiccup and Astrid in Animal House. Just flirty teenagers casually snowboarding while riding dragons. Totally normal. And gosh, Hiccup’s so sick of them after a week in Frozen, that he’s likes hello yes me and my dragon are ready to go on a rescue mission.
Hmm, that’s an interesting thought. And yeah, it certainly makes sense. I mean, it obviously happens at some point during the son’s teenage years, so probably right around that time period. So, yeah, probably fifteen or sixteenth birthday.
I wonder how the other kids react to their dragons pulling that. Astrid probably is grossed out by handles it like a champ. Snotlout’s just irritated and grossed out. Fishlegs goes along with it after some trepidation. And idk, with the twins, probably totally eat it without a second thought.
I think with the tv series they probably didn’t think too much on it because lower animation quality (though, Gobber walks with a limp), I’d guess. It should be interesting to watch Hiccup walk around in the sequel to see if he has a limp at all. Though, that’ll probably be a viewing project once it’s on home video because I’ll probably be too busy wiping tears off my face the first few go arounds.
To quote Bo Peep about Buzz Lightyear, “He’s got more gadgets on him than a Swiss Army Knife!” So, yeah, Hiccup is basically Viking Buzz Lightyear, which is an acceptable comparison to me because uh, yeah, Buzz is one of my favorite characters.
Yes, that makes a good deal of sense.
Ooh, yes, I can agree with that. Hence why Toothless sleeps in his room. And I’m sure Hiccup was super adamant that Toothless sleep in his room. And Toothless pretty much refused to sleep outside. And Stoick gave in very quickly because he doesn’t want either of them irritated with him. I’m sure Hiccup and Toothless find the sound of the other’s breathing while sleeping to be super comforting. Like, Hiccup probably thinks the sound of Toothless breathing is one of the most beautiful sounds he ever heard. (I’m picturing Jurassic Park, where Alan Grant is listening to the sick Triceratops breathing and fanboying.)
Hah, Toothless climbing on the bed though. No, Toothless you’ll break it. Though, if Toothless came into my room right now, I would let him on my bed. And then cuddle up next to him.
And aww, that would be adorable. Both of them under his wings. And come on, Stoick, really? I mean, what, you think that Hiccup and Elsa are going to pull anything inappropriate with a dragon in the same room. Oh Stoick. And Gobber’s just so amused by Stoick’s moral panic.
Toothless is so done with their flirting in Animal House, though, omg. He's just got this look like he wants to roll his eyes but he needs to watch where he's going. Toothless does the best bitchfaces.
...Yeah, the twins would totally eat regurgitated fish. I should have figured that.
To be fair, Hiccup spends most of his time riding. And he still flails occasionally when there's ice or something. I just guess that it was a really well-made one, and that he's naturally got pretty good balance, so he doesn't limp too much most of the time. That is, when he's not on Toothless. And when the ground is flat enough that it would be noticeable.
Viking Buzz Lightyear. A+, would watch.
Oh man, I would totally let Toothless sleep on my bed. Or in the remains of it. I have two cats and they both climbed on the bed last night, and when I was a kid I would frequently have two dogs and a cat trying to cuddle me, which made for about an extra 100lb of animal. Still only a tenth of a Toothless, though.
I'd bet that Toothless just refused to leave Hiccup when he was out that first time after the Red Death attack. Like, this is my human and you're not taking him away. And you've have to be either brave or stupid to argue with half a ton of Night Fury. If half a dozen people tried to remove him, he'd just do the tail bitchslap. Or set someone's beard on fire and cause complete panic that way.
Yeah, Stoick's moral panic is an increasingly entertaining image. Made better by the images of 1) Astrid's reaction (hysterical laughter, most likely) and 2) Hiccup then trying to pass the message on to Elsa that she shouldn't be in his room. With added language barrier, because the word "inappropriate" is probably not one she would learn too early on. And then I now have this image of it going.
"...oh. Your father was worried I'd use my unholy wildling charms on you."
"Where did you learn that phrase?"
"Ruffnut. To be precise, she was asking me to teach her."
And Hiccup just going oh god, I did not need that image, and I hope it's not me that Ruffnut was planning to try them on.
This would deserve the tag Hiccup Is Scarred For Life, I think. Because despite the sass he's still the sanest person in the story. Apart from possibly Toothless at times. Stoick plays the straight man to everyone else's silly behaviour most of the time, until he meets Thornado and it brings out the silly side in him.
Toothless is the King of the Bitchface. Toothless is so freaking expressive. He can look super cute and then he can look demonic and terrifying. And anything in between. Precious thing.
Well, Gobber made the first one and I would assume, Hiccup (and with help from Gobber) made the one in HTTYD2. They’re both pretty great at blacksmithing so yeah, pretty well made. I’m just sort of curious how it fits with the stump. I assume with modern ones, the stump sort of fits into the prosthetic, and I would guess that’s the same deal with Hiccup. Like, puts a bit of the leg into the prosthetic and then secures it, and then boom, he’s able to walk around with it.
100 percent willing to even headcanon that Buzz Lightyear is descended from Vikings or even Hiccup Haddock himself, because for some reason I love to headcanon characters I really like being related to other characters I really like. I even kinda sorta headcanon that the twins parents’ are Felix and Tamora, because yeah, that totally makes sense. And yes, I’d totally watch Viking Buzz Lightyear too.
Toothless makes small dogs and cats look even tinier, heh. Toothless you’re still a giant cat with wings. I wouldn’t be able to pick you up, though. Maybe if he was book Toothless.
Astrid was probably like, I will kick all kinds of ass if you don’t let Toothless be with Hiccup. I just sort of have this image in my head that if they actually had to cut the leg off (and it wasn’t lost before they got to him) of like Astrid and Toothless being there in the room as it happens, and while she swears she’ll watch because she should be strong for Hiccup and whatnot, she can’t and just ends up sobbing against Toothless.
He probably would have totally done the tail bitchslap because yes, hit people with that tail, Toothless. That’s excellent. Like, the way he does in We Are Family is excellent, because like, he just kinda walks past these two mooks and just fucking slaps them with his tail. Like, fuck off jerks. I gotta go find my boy. And then in season 2, he does it to Hiccup and then to Tuffnut and each time is just glorious. I loved that Tuff tried to be a good dragonsitter. He tried. Gold star. But he just failed. And he referred to Hiccup as Toothless’s “other half.” Gosh.
Tail bitchslap is just as awesome as Potato Head bitchslapping a pigeon in Toy Story 3, omg. Still not over that either.
Astrid would totally laugh at that, hehe. And then Ruff wanting to learn unholy wildling charms from Elsa. And no, Hiccup, Ruff probably has no interest in you. Probably more interested in Elsa, because hey, why not have Lesbian Elsa too.
Ah, the three Haddocks: Hiccup, Stoick, and Toothless are the only sane ones, hehe.
In The Night and The Fury, Tuffnut talks about things that dragons could do to him and brings up lightly massaging his shoulders and neck- can you just imagine Hiccup lying on his stomach and Toothless is just gently kneading his paws and giving Hiccup a massage on his shoulders, neck, and back. And then afterwards, Toothless is like, hey, give me a back massage now.
Considering Frozen had the six dragon riders cooped up at the Academy, I’d be totally willing to bet that they all might have ended up sleeping next to each other at least once. And somehow Hiccup’s in the middle of this dragon rider sandwich and he’s just like, so done. Like, he probably would rather have been wrapped up in Toothless’s wings for the night but oh hey Astrid’s right next to him so that’s nice.
Somehow the idea that the villagers of Berk having a moral panic about teenagers on dragons because gosh, the girls can fly off with the boys oh my gods we cannot control them anymore the sky is falling is terribly amusing.
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