Close (1/1).farsicknessDecember 31 2010, 09:51:00 UTC
Deep within the forest, something was waiting.
“Hello, Alice.”
He had been waiting for a very long time.
“That’s a very pretty dress.”
Waiting for someone to wander in.
“Thank you, Mr. Cat.”
“I’m the Cheshire Cat, you know.”
“Yes, I know. You look an awfully lot like my cat Dinah… Except for the grin. Well, and the disappearing.”
“Yes, I do that. Alice, are we friends?”
“Why, yes, I suppose. I haven’t made many friends since I’ve been here, and it’s always nice to have a friend or two about. Shall we be friends, Cheshire Cat?”
“I would like that very much. Sometimes, my dear, I don’t think you know how much.”
“O! but I can’t see you any longer!”
“I’m hiding for the time being. I grow very afraid sometimes... It’s dark in these woods, and one never knows what lurkers might be lurking...”
“You know, when my cat Dinah was fussing about some imagined creature in the night, I used to hold her in my lap and pet her. Since we’re friends, would you like me to pet you, Cheshire Cat?”
“That would be lovely, only I don’t fancy I should like to become visible just yet. Ah, but I’ve thought of something you might do for me, friend Alice!”
“What’s that?”
“Would you pet yourself?”
“O, Mr. Cat, I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. Everything in Wonderland is so confusing... Please don’t speak in riddles!”
“That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing, and I would touch it myself, but I can’t come down from this branch just yet. Would you pet it for me?”
“Well... I suppose I could do that, yes.”
Small ivory hands stroking blue-and-white fabric. Fingers on her shoulders, her sides.
“Pretend you’re petting your cat Dinah. Pet the warm places of you, Alice.”
Fingers drifting over breasts, belly, thighs. Cloth clinging to skin.
“Stronger than that, harder. Don’t be afraid. Cats are strong, they don’t break when touched.”
Stroking, squeezing. Breasts, belly, thighs.
“Sit down, friend Alice. Let me see your legs. Your dress is darker than the rest of you, and I can hardly see you in this gloom.”
Pulling lace petticoats up over shapely cream-colored calves, knees, thighs.
“You know what I think? I think you are warmest there, between your legs. Would you pet me there?”
“Don’t be afraid. Close your eyes and pretend you’re petting Dinah.”
Rubbing, touching, circling. Warm flesh, secret flesh. One hand still squeezing, teasing breasts. A hungry noise from the shadows.
“Cheshire Cat...”
“Yes, Alice.”
“I feel something very close to me! As if someone were in the woods just behind me, nearly touching me! I fancy I can hear their breath. How curious, to be so close to someone, but never quite touching or seeing them at all!”
Re: Close (1/1).farsicknessJanuary 1 2011, 20:28:30 UTC
Oh my god.
This is one of my favorite prompts on the whole meme and I always wished someone would fill it. And then I came here and saw that you had filled it, and since I've liked your two other fills on here I was really excited to read what you wrote for this prompt. And it was perfect. Too perfect. It's so hot and the dialogue is brilliant. I love you <3
You know, I periodically come back to this prompt to check if it's been filled, this is my favorite prompt I've made on this meme, and one of my favorite pairings...EVER.
“Hello, Alice.”
He had been waiting for a very long time.
“That’s a very pretty dress.”
Waiting for someone to wander in.
“Thank you, Mr. Cat.”
“I’m the Cheshire Cat, you know.”
“Yes, I know. You look an awfully lot like my cat Dinah… Except for the grin. Well, and the disappearing.”
“Yes, I do that. Alice, are we friends?”
“Why, yes, I suppose. I haven’t made many friends since I’ve been here, and it’s always nice to have a friend or two about. Shall we be friends, Cheshire Cat?”
“I would like that very much. Sometimes, my dear, I don’t think you know how much.”
“O! but I can’t see you any longer!”
“I’m hiding for the time being. I grow very afraid sometimes... It’s dark in these woods, and one never knows what lurkers might be lurking...”
“You know, when my cat Dinah was fussing about some imagined creature in the night, I used to hold her in my lap and pet her. Since we’re friends, would you like me to pet you, Cheshire Cat?”
“That would be lovely, only I don’t fancy I should like to become visible just yet. Ah, but I’ve thought of something you might do for me, friend Alice!”
“What’s that?”
“Would you pet yourself?”
“O, Mr. Cat, I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. Everything in Wonderland is so confusing... Please don’t speak in riddles!”
“That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing, and I would touch it myself, but I can’t come down from this branch just yet. Would you pet it for me?”
“Well... I suppose I could do that, yes.”
Small ivory hands stroking blue-and-white fabric. Fingers on her shoulders, her sides.
“Pretend you’re petting your cat Dinah. Pet the warm places of you, Alice.”
Fingers drifting over breasts, belly, thighs. Cloth clinging to skin.
“Stronger than that, harder. Don’t be afraid. Cats are strong, they don’t break when touched.”
Stroking, squeezing. Breasts, belly, thighs.
“Sit down, friend Alice. Let me see your legs. Your dress is darker than the rest of you, and I can hardly see you in this gloom.”
Pulling lace petticoats up over shapely cream-colored calves, knees, thighs.
“You know what I think? I think you are warmest there, between your legs. Would you pet me there?”
“Don’t be afraid. Close your eyes and pretend you’re petting Dinah.”
Rubbing, touching, circling. Warm flesh, secret flesh. One hand still squeezing, teasing breasts. A hungry noise from the shadows.
“Cheshire Cat...”
“Yes, Alice.”
“I feel something very close to me! As if someone were in the woods just behind me, nearly touching me! I fancy I can hear their breath. How curious, to be so close to someone, but never quite touching or seeing them at all!”
“Yes, Alice. I know just what you mean.”
Oh my god.
This is one of my favorite prompts on the whole meme and I always wished someone would fill it. And then I came here and saw that you had filled it, and since I've liked your two other fills on here I was really excited to read what you wrote for this prompt. And it was perfect. Too perfect. It's so hot and the dialogue is brilliant. I love you <3
No seriously. Thank you so much!!
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