God Bless who?!

Feb 23, 2005 20:07

Ahh!! this is one of my huuuuge pet peeves..
have you ever noticed how you always see, "God Bless America" on bumber stickers, t-shirts, websites..whatever... do you ever see God Bless Africa? or God Bless Iraq? WHAT THE HELL?! we are the god damned richest country in the world..and we are spoiled to death and take it all for granted..and what do we say? " Oh! Lord! we are suffering soooo much!!! so 'god bless america!'" And after sept 11th, yes that was absolutely devastating..I agree..and yes i was affected personally in the sept 11 attack. Yes we lost thousands of innocent, well off, Americans. I feel terrible about that. But there is nothing we can do to bring back the loss of souls that day. And i can understand in an act of patriotism we flew our flags all over the place and had our "god bless america" stickers, but believe it or not..a couple of thousand is NOTHING compared to the millions of lives that are lost MONTHLY in Africa because of starvation. And hundreds of thousands more are killed by deseases in Europe.

I know that there is little we, as individuals can do for the ones in other countries, but at least we can appriciate the country we live in, and remember how many people are suffering.
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