What the fuck...

Mar 04, 2004 06:23

I just had the weirdest night ever...I fell asleep at like 8 p.m., I guess, I don't remember...all I remember is waking up at 12:30 and being like "what the fuck"? I was drenched in sweat. I went back to sleep and woke up again in an hour and a half, again drenched in sweat. The first time I had a dream about going to Valencia to take Algebra I, and for some reason I had to take a canoe there...The second time I had a dream that Lindsey, Todd West, and myself went surfing in the sewers looking for a nice hotel. Again, I woke up at 3 in the morning, sweaty, and confused, I had a dream that time that I bought a new slipknot shirt and I was showing everybody and for some reason I thought Chris from TKO used to drum for slipknot. Pleasure to Burn and The Red Letter also played at school in the commons during lunch. Finally, I got to rest until 6 where I said fuck it and took a shower...
Some members from my band are being fucking queer. Queer as in gay, not strange. They are refusing to play the set, which is really no sweat of their back...I get to deal with a sore throat the next day, no one else has repercussions so therefore I don't understand why it is such a problem to play 7 fucking songs. On tuesday, for 3 hours, we played a total of 2 songs...thats like 1 song every hour and a half. We got last place in battle of the bands. One of the judges said we randomly paced around...okay...I'll just stand there next time. Fucking pricks. One of the score sheets said "do these songs have actual lyrics or is it just random screaming?" which is in a way offensive, because my lyrics are my emotions, they are my life. Next year i'm going to give the judges sheets of paper with my lyrics on them, so they can understand what I'm saying. Whatever, peace out.
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