Beginning of my Senior year

Oct 02, 2006 00:46

Don't be fooled by what you see
It'd look different to you
If you were me


Little babies pushed us to go 20mph in neutral after a complete stop to get up the hill.


I ate so much here. And got Nicole a cute little pumpkin and got lost in the corn maze.


Got to wear Shane big, baggy sweatshirt, climb through small, tight spaces between rocks, break flashlights, finally get to the caves, read the walls, tell stories, burn stuff and climb back up in tighter spaces.


Today, we went to CityWalk just to get frustrated, hungry, eat food like a potluck (Kudos for me), rush to look in one last store so we'd be home by 8. But then Nicole told me she didn't feel good and as we left the store to find a bathroom she blacked out and I had to walk her into some Mexican restraunt where she almost fell on the host and this lady who barely spoke English was bothering us about it. Poor little Nicoley. And then she was trying to actually use the bathroom and the little Mexican lady was opening the door on her. Then she came out with her vision back but she was pale. Awwww. And Sarah had to get her water. Then we came home and played L,C,R and Apples to Apples.



So... it's been okay. Well, I suppose it's been tolerable. Unsatisfying but I'm still here so I guess it's not at its worse. Being a senior this year is exciting and all but there's also really rough spots that I think are just barely starting to smooth out now. But it's okay because it didn't take to long to start looking somewhat better. So... it's all good but I could be happier. But that depends on me.
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