Im in History.
I finished my power point. Its fantastic.
You all should really see it. Its about Peace.
Im hungry.
Today is the last day.
Yesterday was good.
Me and Sierra went to the post office.
Sent my very first costomer her purchase. :)
Went to Penara's. HEAVEN.
MMmmmmmmmmm! Bread.
Then went to block buster.
Went to Sierra's and watched a silly movie.
Uptown Girls. Cute.
Then went to my house.
Sierra left about an hour later.
She hung out with her friends.
I listened to music and watched the rest of Thirteen.
Then Sierra came back at 2 in the morning.
Sleeping next to still feels good.
I am a little bored. Enjoy.
Do you remember? Waking up in the middle of the night. Kissing me. Or was it a dream?