I'm a head-case

May 13, 2008 10:53

"In public places, such as work, meetings, or shopping, people with social anxiety feel that everyone is watching, staring, and judging them (even though rationally they know this isn't true). The socially anxious person can't relax, "take it easy", and enjoy themselves in public. In fact, they can never fully relax when other people are around. It always feels like others are evaluating them, being critical of them, or "judging" them in some way. The person with social anxiety knows that people don't do this openly, of course, but they still feel the self-consciousness and judgment while they are in the other person's presence. It's sometimes impossible to let go, relax, and focus on anything else except the anxiety and fear. Because the anxiety is so very painful, it's much easier just to stay away from social situations and avoid other people altogether."

Ive recently discovered that I have pretty bad social anxiety.I don't know why..but its horrible.For instance, theres this boy in my new math class..he looks like a cool kid and ive been wanting to talk to him and such for the past week.Everyday i say to myself "ok, this is the day i'll get up the nerve"(byt the way he's very attractive)..and then i get to class and i feel like i'm going to throw up the entire time.Even during break I go outside to smoke, its usually him, me, and like 3 other people from the class.I think this is the perfect time to strike up a conversation..but of course I don't.

I need to find a way to fix this, it's so stupid and petty.I'm going to have to face these kinds of things my whole life. My mom says I should sign up for a group fitness thing at the Y.She's probably right.I need to force myself into uncomfortable situations so I can overcome it.

It's sad when you have no confidence in yourself, constantly over analyzing everything.Have I always been this way?

I don't think I need therapy or anything.I just need to find out whats holding me back, and face it.

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