Jan 27, 2005 14:29
I feel I have less and less to do here...
I feel like I've gone somewhere new, and I'm not quite sure where that is..
I miss a great amount of people
I feel very estranged from some that I care about
I feel as if many are beyond reconciliation, attempts to rekindle or even a comfortable hello
Growing apart and personal growth are synonymous in the long run
What else can I do?
I can't go back
and I can't expect many to either
I'm happy
and yet I long for what I once had
that in a depressing moment of honesty, won't exist again
Life changed and I'm not around as much
I sit in class, I go to work and I spend time with my closest of friends
and in the process, many only feel like memories
I miss some of you more than you know...
I miss having at least two or three people to talk to online at a time
Did I cease to try? Did I lose interest? What really happened?
I'm here every day, and yet for some reason I miss the Internet immensely