Jan 24, 2010 14:00
It's been almost a year since I've posted anything in here and all I can say is... WOW, time really does fly! I was actually reading through my past posts and I really don't think I wanted to drop my writing here as it was a way for me to vent, as well as keep up on my friends but low and behold, almost a year rolls by in a flash and I haven't posted anything here or even been on this site to read up on my friends.
I am going to try and change that because though the net can be a cold place sometimes I do feel that doing this like posting here can actually help with keeping personal bonds intact. I am planning on making this whole thing a habit again, plus I really do miss writing here.
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Though I am technically unemployed because of the Knitting Factory shutting down I have been really busy with booking shows as well as mixing bands on tour and in town. The Church of the 8th Day has become a household name within the Metal scene and that makes me happy but it also has me fielding a lot of e-mails from people and bands that I really cannot help. When I first started booking shows I would book anyone because I wanted to help but I cannot do that anymore. It's not because I don't care about the scene anymore but it's because of the fact that I am at a point where I cannot lose money like I used to. My workloads don't reflect my financial intake so I've had to step back the amount of small shows that I can do but believe me, I am still busy as hell with booking.
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I am going to be working with SAINT VITUS this coming week. Driving them around, doing their sound for two shows and helping them out with general stuff. I did this a month ago for EYEHATEGOD as well, which was a trip because EHG is one of my favorite bands of all time. Even VITUS is a big deal for me and it's crazy how I am working personally with bands that I used to look up to. I've became friends with a lot of the people that I used to read about and listen to all the time and it's actually pretty cool. I keep seeing myself getting busier and busier with my engineering / tour managing for bands so who knows where I will be in a few years.
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I recently went through a period of time where I wasn't going out but I decided that I shouldn't seclude myself like that. It happened right around the end of the existence of the Knitting Factory as an LA venue into the first few months of being unemployed. I was still obviously going out to my own shows but away from work, I wasn't doing anything at all. Since the New Year I've been going out a lot more and interacting with people beyond me being at work and seeing them there. I actually feel a lot happier seeing my friends a lot more but I still go through phases where I don't want to go anywhere. I honestly think it's because for almost 5 years my work had me surrounded my people at least 5 nights out of the week so I went from one extreme to another. Got to find that happy medium.
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Besides the above, my personal life has been OK. I haven't been dating anyone in quite sometime which has me feeling lonely on that aspect but I really think that I needed to step back from dating for awhile because my head just wasn't in the right place. I think my last long term relationship hurt me a lot more than I wanted to admit and it left me in a place where I just got scared when anything felt like it could actually go somewhere. It's not that my last relationship was bad, it was actually great until it ended, which is probably how most relationships are but I guess my whole thing was that for sometime I was really serious about it and that wasn't how I normally was. I don't know, I guess I am no different than anyone else but I did decide that I needed to step back, clear my head and not just date people without the proper mindset. I do find myself thinking about the few people I dated after my last relationship and I do feel that if I would have waited to date them I probably would have been able to take things beyond the initial few weeks, especially with one person. I am still going to remain alone for awhile but who knows, maybe I'll be back to normal soon.
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Anyways, it feels good to write something but I have to get going. I am going to try and make this a normal thing for me to do again so expect to be seeing a lot more of me in the future! I am just happy that LJ didn't up and delete my account!