Ohh my FUCKING Gawd

Aug 11, 2005 07:00

I must be crazy... it's 6:30 and I'm up...

There's no one else I know, that's sane, who is up at 6:30 every day...


*sigh* What to eat.. Hmm... the choices...
Old Cereal
Much Older Cereal

*heavy sigh* Old Cereal it is...

*Mush mush mush* Old Cereal is always mushy with milk... yeuk

Contrary to popular belief, There IS NO life at this time of the day... it's just mondane routines done over and over repeatitively... wow, that's redundant. haha. I made a funny.*SNARF!!*

Well, I'm just sitting here mushing on my Old Cereal, sipping on my dark filthy coffee, thinking to myself, "Ya know what, I'll be up Shit's Creek later." Yup, Shit's Creek... the place NO ONE wants to be near.

I guess I should start leaving for work now. I have an hour and a half drive to get there. "Things that make you go 'Buuhhhhh'".

I hope you have a later, HEALTHIER, morning than I.

*loves to his boo*

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