Feb 08, 2005 22:52
A few things:
So punks my birthday's coming up.
And I want an ipod, lame, I know, But I'm feelin' all kindsa left out.
You know.
So you should all buy me ipods, and then I'd have like 12.
C'byorn. 12 ipods.
No but for serious, someone should get me, "Why Do We ROck So Hard?" Cause I lost mine like 12 years ago and I miss it. Damn, somethin about 12 tonight...
Something about the way you look tonight..
Oh! and Taffy buy me taffy!
Yeah Right
As If
I Don't
Need This!
What makesyou think I'd ever want you agaaaaaain?
So I've been a bit down lately, about nothin'(everything) really. And I was drivin around tonight at like 55 listening to shit SO loud. And ya know fuck it. Just all of it. I don't really know what I'm talking about.
And I have bangs now.
So someone should buy me a straightenerener.
There was a point to this post beyond like, what I want... OH
Therefore you should ALL come.
It's at like 7 I believe.
And well, come.
If not to see me then to see Elise, she's prettier (hah she wishes...kidding.) or Mrs. N -
you know you all want her anyways.
VALERIE you make me wish I were dead!!
You're like a knife in my head,
Hah, also:
saphirebulletts: do you know where ben is
AstrayCliche: no clue
AstrayCliche: can't find him?
saphirebulletts: meh
saphirebulletts: he'll turn up
AstrayCliche: he always does
saphirebulletts: someday we'll find him on the side of the road
AstrayCliche: selling pie
saphirebulletts: no i meant dead
A prize if you know what else is bitchin.