Name six ships you like:
- Fox McCloud x Falco Lombardi (Star Fox)
- Church x Caboose (Red vs. Blue)
- Danny x Sam (Danny Phantom)
- Smellerbee x Longshot (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- Gum x Yo-Yo (Jet Grind Radio)
- Count Bleck x Nastasia (Super Paper Mario)
Three ships you used to like but don't like anymore:
7// Ichigo x Rukia (Bleach)
8// Fox McCloud x Krystal (Star Fox)
9// Tails x Amy (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Three ships in your various fandoms you don't ship:
10// Katara x Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
11// Danny x Dash (Danny Phantom)
12// Rhyth x Yoyo (Jet Set Radio Future)
Two ships you are curious about but haven't actually started shipping:
13// Tron Bonne x Megaman Volnutt (Megaman: Legends)
14// Link x Midna (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
1. Why do you dislike #11 (Danny x Dash) so much?
Dash is a walking stereotype; he doesn't deserve someone like Danny, and they hate each other anyway. Plus, I hate most non-canonical slash. And jocks. I reaaaally hate jocks.
2. Who is someone you know that ships #13 (Tron Bonne x Megaman Volnutt)?
Maybe Gamma does...?
3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 (Danny x Sam)?
I dunno, that's hard to do. Before I saw Phantom Planet, the series finale to Danny Phantom, I had a great idea in my head for my crossover fanfic, Pumpkins, where Sam and Danny kinda get it on with their bad selves...but what Phantom Planet did was so good in its own right that I don't even remember what I had in mind.
4. What is your favorite episode scene for #1 (Fox x Falco)? Try to pick just one.
There's a lot of subliminal Fox x Falco in Star Fox: Command. I think my favorite is when the two, on one of the game's many branching storylines, get sidetracked and their rivals, Star Wolf, defeat the Anglar Empire threatening to overtake the Lylat system. With Star Wolf now viewed as heroes where Star Fox failed, Fox insists on getting wasted; Falco goes with him and tells his longtime friend that he "has something that will cheer [him] up..." (Bow chicka bow wow!). Of course it's not sexual following that, but lack of context ftw. Fox and Falco wind up converting their Arwings into racers and join the "G-Zero Grand Prix." It's really cute.
5. How long have you been following couple #6 (Count Bleck x Nastasia)?
Not long. Super Paper Mario came out mid-May and it didn't take me long to beat, so...three months?
6. What's the story with #8 (Fox x Krystal)? What made you stop liking them/caring?
I used to like Krystal a lot more than I do now, but really all she has going for her is a hot British accent. Otherwise she's got all the character development of a box of Raisin Bran and really just serves as a piece of fanservice for the furries. And she's always stepping on Falco's shoes as far as attention goes X( I've shipped Fox x Falco for much longer anyway.
7. Which ship do you prefer: #2 (Church x Caboose) or #4 (Smellerbee x Longshot)?
I like both equally, although #4 has a greater chance of happening due to potentially being canon.
8. You have the power to make one ship nonexistent. Choose from #10 (Rhyth x Yoyo) or #12 (Katara x Zuko).
Katara x Zuko. I dislike the thought of RhythYoyo, but it's mostly relegated to the JSR section of FFnet--and they're pretty self-contained. The "Zutara" pairing often requires breaking the canon and introducing AU, which most Avatar fans (in this case "Avatards," and not in a good sense of the 'tard' part) are incapable of writing decently. Avatar AU is a boring, BOOORING scene. And Zutara shippers are crazy. Srsly.
9. What interests you about #14 (Link x Midna)?
Midna's a snarky little imp. I mean, she's kinda freaky with the imp body anyway, but she'd be hot if she had the proportions of a normal person. Even then she's a great female gaming character, one I can really appreciate over the typical helpess damsels (Zelda, Peach, Krystal) that you see so often. She scores major feminist points for me.
10. When did you stop liking #7 (Ichigo x Rukia)?
Not entirely sure when. The thing about Bleach characters is that they're so hot on their own that they suffer from being paired up with someone. Weird, right?
11. Did your waning interest in #9 (Tails x Amy) kill your interest in the show?
HAHAHAHAHA!! No, no, not at all. Quite the opposite actually; I've been jaded by Sonic for a couple years by this point. Shadow was holiday season of '05 if I remember right; right before then is really when I started the hating. Not only because the games are bad due to lazy programming, corner-cutting, and a never-ending stream of unnecessary new characters, but also because Sonic represents Sega as a whole. The once-great franchise is essentially the gaming version of the homeless junkie best friend who spends his days living at his friends' houses and eating all their chips and Cheese Salsa. My general bitterness at Sonic has killed the Tails x Amy pairing.
12. What's a song that reminds you of #5 (Gum x Yo-Yo)?
Nerrrrrrrrrrrr--I Love Love You? (*Cheated also*)
13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
Fox x Falco is my OTOTP. One pairing to rule them all...
14. Which do you dislike the most?
Probably Zutara since it's the most prominent.
15. If you could have any of these two pairings double-date, who would it be?
Gum and Yo-Yo with Danny and Sam. I could see them getting on really well. Maybe even having an orgy following dinner :D
16. Have #2 (Caboose x Church) kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like.
No, Caboose x Church is non-canon D:
17. Did #4 (Smellerbee x Longshot) have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
Well, here's how Smellershot is working out so far as I know. Either they both died at the bottom of Lake Laogai with Jet when the Dai Li collapsed the base, or they escaped, but had to leave Jet behind because he died anyway. Either way isn't very happy and it's not likely the characters will be revisited.
18. What would make you start shipping #13 (Tron x Mega)?
Another freakin' Megaman Legends game X(
19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer--#2 (Caboose x Church) or #6 (Count Bleck x Nastasia)?
Count Bleck and Nastasia, probably, I can always pair Caboose off with Donut or Church with Grif, so there are definitely options on the RvB front. However I really like the thought of Bleck x Nastasia, it's very cute.
20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10 (Katara x Zuko). What happens to them?
A 40-ton canon falls on them and wipes them out of existence to be replaced by the current platonic Kataang and soon-to-be-active Maiko.