Aug 09, 2003 11:40
Well, I'M A DADDY NOW!!!!
Baby's Stats:
Weight when born: 4 pounds
Length: 17.5 inches
Hair: Lots/Black
Name: Dennis Gage
Winter's water trickled a little last friday night so I drove her to the hospital. They wanted to keep her over night to monitor her, then early in the A.M. her water completely broke and was dialated to a 2. (Those of you that I talk to know that she has been going into preterm labor since 28 weeks and was dialated since then.) So they transfered her to Emamual hospital in Portland.
The Doctors over there took her off all of the medications she was on to stop her contractions but would not induse her labor because every day of gestation counts at 33 weeks.
So Tuesday rolls around and I get off work at 4pm and get a phone call, "GET DOWN HERE NOW!!! I'M IN LABOR!!!"
So I rush down there and she's dialated to a 3 and in 45 minutes in dialated to a 7. While all that time she is bleeding down there. Then all of a sudden a HUGE blood clot falls out of here and they rush her into the O.R. to do an Emergency C-Section.
Aparently her placenta was ripping away from her uterus and in turn was lowering the babys heart rate.
But all ended well. With me in tears holding my son and being with mommy.
I can honestly say that my whole outlook on life has taken a turn for the better and now have the urge to be responsible and take care of a family.
Dennis has to be in the hospital for about 2 weeks because he needs to gain a little weight but other than that he's perfect.
Oh yes, and I had in interview for a pharmacy position at Wal-Mart. (Which I already work at.) And out of the 30 people that applied for it, I WAS CHOSEN!!
Things are great. And I couldn't be happier.