Self-described feminist mentor's actions invited a reaction

May 19, 2009 23:31

From ST Forum

Self-described feminist mentor's actions invited a reaction

I REFER to Monday's letter by Dr Thio Su Mien, 'Gay activists a key constituency of Aware'. I would like to highlight a number of statements she made that serve no purpose other than to confuse.
I am perplexed how Dr Thio can, in the same paragraph, say that Aware's Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) manual 'expressly states that homosexuality is neutral and normal', and then go on to attack the content of the CSE programme as 'non-neutral'.

But that is a minor point. What strikes me as most curious is how Dr Thio seems to have conveniently forgotten that anal sex between heterosexuals is legal when putting forth the argument that anal sex is against the law. It appears that she perceives anal sex as an activity only homosexuals are capable of, and in which heterosexuals would not engage.

Dr Thio has also chosen to view the support that 'sexually challenged women' provided to the old guard at the Aware extraordinary general meeting as a sinister indication that 'homosexual activists seeking to impose their values' have become a 'chief constituency of Aware'. She seems to have overlooked the fact that she and her feminist 'mentees' had made unfounded and moralistic attacks on an entire group of society while orchestrating an unjust takeover of a civil society group.

It is hard to imagine that Dr Thio, with her vast experience as a 'feminist mentor', did not expect sexual minorities to stand up and defend themselves. How then does she indicate statistically that homosexuals have become a 'chief constituency of Aware'?

However, I must agree with Dr Thio's assertion that discerning Singaporeans can examine the evidence to make up their own minds on this issue. Singaporeans are generally progressive and I am confident we are able to see past the smoke to inch towards a more inclusive and egalitarian society.

Tim Mou Hui

human rights, straits times

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