such a follower...

Sep 18, 2005 03:47

Look at your LJ "interests" list. If you have fewer than 50 interests, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five interests, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five interests, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly what it is about these things that interests you so much.

except i hate those rules. they suck. i tried that, and the first interest i came to was banjos and while i like banjos, seriously what was that doing on my interest list? i don't play or anything. i don't even want to learn to play the banjo. so i took it off. and mandolin. i took that off too. and then i decided that these rules suck and i'm just going to pick the interests i want to talk about. so there.

"i wonder..." questions - my mom has always taught me that questions are amazing wonderful things and that i have always asked good questions. and when i sat down to think about it i realized that i wonder questions are a definite sign of intelligence and creativity. people who ask i wonder questions are never completely satisfied with the world around them. these are the smartest people i know. i hate it when people silence children who ask questions. how do they expect them to learn anything?

bioluminescence - happens to be my most favorite word of all time because i love the concept. things that produce chemicals that make them glow in the dark all by themselves? seriously rock. fireflies and swamp gas and fish, oh my! what's not to love?

disreputable dogs - the original disreputable dog is a major character in a great young adult book by garth nix called lirael, which i happen to love. essentially the dog is a highly influential being whose motives can't always be trusted. shocking to note how well i identified, right? i have come to realize i am living with a disreputable dog, though, as lizzie will do just about anything she wants anytime as long as she's pretty sure she won't get in trouble. oh, and she steals toys and expects you to be okay with it. sounds like anyone else we know?

fixable problems - i love doing the talk about stuff, hash it out, figure out advive thing with friends, but let's be honest. not every problem has a solution, and if you're not willing to accept the solutions offered then i think i'm done talking to you about your problems.

hydration - you probably have to hang around me a few hours before you understand how serious i am about my water consumption. i pee so soften they should make it an olympic sport. nalgenes are my favorite vessels and i use them even at home, when cups would theoretically be easier. i currently prefer my water spiked with limeade for a little kick. i'm not thin and pretty, but my kidneys love me ;)

jelly man kelly - my first (and still favorite) exposure to the wide and wonderful world of james taylor. this song was on a sesame street record i apparently used to play constantly that no one has ever heard of but me. last christmas i got the album on cd, but i haven't listened to it yet because i'm afraid if i do the songs won't live up to my memories of them. i have a jellyman kelly mp3, however, so i listen to that all the time. james still makes me giggle.

loquacious brown &the newfangledaffair is my fake band. because to have a real one you'd have to have talent. but you can still have band shirts if you're a fake band. all the benefits, none of the responsibility.

michaelmas daisies - also known as purple asters, they are the flower of september birthdays. i happen to prefer this name, however, because michaelmas is MY birthday specifically and it's all about ME.

mute buttons - my favorite button on a remote control because it promotes conversation instead of mindlessly watching advertising for shit you shouldn't buy and will never use.

people who care - and i mean really care. people who ask you about yourself first because they honestly want a reply. valuable and hard to find, if you stumble on one be sure to cultivate that friendship. it's worth it.

ripe purple plums, seedless red grapes, tangy-sweet pineapples, the juiciest peaches - some fruit is really sexy.

running a con - not really interested enough in psychology to bother with it in college, i never learned the rules about how to get people to do what you want (which apparently is a psych 101 staple, although clearly almost no one puts the information to good use as people should) so i learned about it from a jenny crusie novel, which is just fine with me since it was more entertaining that way anyway. there are 5 steps and if you're really interested comment and i'll explain them. anyway, running a successful con is a goal. running several successful (though probably not illegal ones) cons is a dream.

sleeping naked - i happen to believe it aids one in overcoming inhibitions, but it's also most comfortable. i say sleep like you mean it.

strange beauty isn't found on reality tv or in the movies. it isn't in a fashion magazine or a museum. it's that girl whose lips you can't get out of your head. it's that bag dance on american beauty. it's that ache you get when you see a bulldozer push aside earth to build another shopping mall.

the hustle - always wanted to learn it. thanks to mtv's the 70's house, i have a much better idea.

uppity women - merriam-websters says that uppity means "putting on or marked by airs of superiority, " which sounds pretty good to me. basically, i can't stand girls who hate themselves anymore. i think uppity should be the goal for awhile, and if we achieve it then we can name a new goal, because probably by then there will be some girls who need to be put back in their place. but for now i'm gonna' keep on thinking i'm pretty damn fantastic and you should too. because probably you are.

weather phenomena - i pretty much don't care what kind of weather it is, if it's doing something i'm interested. if i'd known when i was younger that i liked geology as much as i do i might have majored in that and tried to be a storm chaser. except for the lack of showering thing, it sounds pretty cool.

ΠΩΡΝ - yeah, remember the band i made up earlier? same concept. that and i just wanted to come really close to spelling porn with greek letters like those mid-90's teen movies did with the obligatory bastard freshman frat boy who'd joined delta iota kappa.

wow. can't believe you made it this far, huh? me either. go you. any questions?
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