New here and haven't gotten the hang of making layouts yet, so I have have a
This is an old diaryland template of mine and I'm wondering if someone could code it for LJ. HEre's what it looked like Style you would like to use: Probably Generator.
Title: Not so innocent
Background Image: Background Image Near the top.
background color: black
background scroll: Black background with the header.
Scrollbar Colors:D98EA8
scrollbar-base-color: 9C5263
scrollbar-track-color: D98EA8
scrollbar-face-color: 9C5263
scrollbar-highlight-color: D98EA8
scrollbar-3dlight-color: 9C5263
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: D98EA8
scrollbar-shadow-color: 9C5263
scrollbar-arrow-color: D98EA8
Font Courier
Font size 12
Font color 9C5263
Cursor: no effects
link colors D98EA8
link effects: no effects
entry table: Box .
entry table color black
entry alignment: middle
entry opacity: solid
entry border type: Dashed
entry border size: 2
border color: 9C5263
Comment links: default
images between comment links: none
Number of entries per page choose from 20
screen resolution: 1024x768
e-mail address:
If there's something I didn't explain correctly, please let me know.