I got a new icon! thanks to
xheaventsent_ i had to join like 5 communitys just to get an icon like I wanted.
Okay now i want to say something and I hope as many people read this and comment if they agree. It pisses me off so bad when people who dont know what the FUCK their talking about start to think they know the first thing about you. Like when dumbasses (this has happened to me numerous amounts of times) ask you "Are you alternative?" how are you suppose to respond to that? to me, alternative isnt an image, its a type of music, and when people ask me that it makes me want to scream. I wish there was some way everyone in the world could share to these idiots what they know about being punk, alternative, gothic, emo whatever. because im sick of explaining to everyone who asks me idiotic questions "Well see theres a difference because..." Besides the fact that my school and probablly not just my school is filled with donkey raping stereptypes, I think that its also very stupid that if you go to school wearing converse or black clothing people assume your somebody your not. If i go somewhere wearing a pink shirt does that automatically make me a prep? it shouldnt. but to some dumbasses it does and its been bugging me for the past couple of days so i thought i'd let everyone know. Comment if you agree.