Aug 02, 2004 15:40
my life is funny, i was freaking out for the first time about color guard a a few days ago. Now I have all the people I need ready and all they need to do is show up. In the mix of making sure everybody else had everything they need i completely forgot about what i needed... I don't have my uniform ready i don't have anything on it. I was looking at all my ornaments and guess what?! my medal... it's broken last year the very very last time i commanded (graduation) pedro/kristie/ and myself broke my medal. I had completely forgotten so i can't wear it. I haven't been able to wear yet! now doesn't that suck! Plus i have to have my ribbons in a correct order and i forgot the order.. mainly cause i hadn't ever really "learned" it. I called dedrick today he was kinda of out of it i thought it was funny. Queana talked to me about how she wants to be in color guard. She was like ur color guard commander right? I was like yeah.. and she started talking to me like "i want to be in color guard, come on I've been trying since last year and come on man!"
i was like " i have no problem with you trying out if the group likes you then ur in .."
her: "whos the group"
me: "the color guard team, kristina .. sandra .. and myself"
her: "oh well sandra doesn't like me that much"
me: "well if kristie and i like you then we can override her vote."
her: "oh how cool"
lol i thought it was funny cause its like i can't just "give" her the position .. plus she sucks at guard which is what we have open, plus i'm pretty sure that kristie wants a let 1. I don't want to make kristie uncomfy, but if she's good then she's in you know.
Sandra ... o my lord i swear that that girl lives in her own little world. I mean she's my team mate and she's a really nice person and all but oh boy! Kristie was soooo super busy today and i was helping her. but w/e i had to go to the restroom and sandra comes over to kristie and she pulls her by the arm and says "come on gurl u and him need to fix this now" ... alright now let me clue u in to whats been happening. Kristie use to love to pump Angels head up because she thought it was funny for him to think so much of himself. well now he's too fucking full of himself that he won't do anything other than drill team and his s-2 job. and when they send him out to do something he's like "whos job is that?! how come they're not doing it?!" and today kristie was sooo backed up with work that collonel haspil had other people helping her. and angel was talking all this shyt and giving all this attitude and kristie was so over it! it was so fucking hilarious! anyways sandra likes angel and she really wants everyone to get along and hold hands and live happily ever after! wtf!?!? so yeah sandra was trying to patch things up between angel and kristie but kristie was too budy worrying about doing her job correctly. so she was going insane! she had collonel telling her stuff in one ear and sandra worrying about shyt she doesn't need to worry about in the other. i was like awe! poor baby! i wish i could help la bumble bee... then chief came and everything became worse and better at the same time it was so .... yeah. Now tomorrow i have two color guard presentations that i have to take care of and i hope everything goes fine. I really do =). i washed the belts because they were really dirty i hope they dry up in time for tomorrow. it would really suck if they didn't. Alright i have to finish getting my uniform ready =). goodnight.