I happy (for once)

Apr 09, 2005 13:51

Today I'm hoping to trade my old Bass in for a new one. I hope daddy's still has the Fender. I love fenders. I want the Mark jazz Bass. That's my dream bass or even Mike's from greenDay's bass. I love Fenders. Bass is the best to play. Guitar is cool, but you need six stings to make a cool sound a bass all you need is four strings and it's a hell of a lot easier to play than a guitar.
I would like to play a five string when I get better, but I would never want to play a six string because that's to close to a guitar. I love my four string anyways. I wounder what type of Bass Krist from Nirvana use to play. He was one of my favorite bassist. well I have to go Bye, and I'm a loser.
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