That quiz that everyone has been doing...

Jul 28, 2006 22:43

1) Full Name: Kyle Broflovski.
2) Name Backwards: Iksvolforb Elyk.
3) Were you named after anyone?: Not that I know of...
4) Does your name mean anything?: Eh, dunno. I don't pay attention to gay crap like that.
5) Nick Name(s): None that I really care to repeat.
6) Screen Name(s): rock that jewfro.
7) Birthday: May 26th.
8) Place of Birth: South Park.
9) Nationality: American.
10) Current Location: South Park.
11) Sign: Gemini, I think.
12) Religion: Jewish.
13) Height: 5’6"
14) Weight: 130-something.
15) Shoe Size: 9.
16) Hair colour: Red.
17) Eye colour: Green.
18) What do you look like?: Uh.
19) Innie or Outie?: ... Innie?
20) Righty, Lefty, ambidextrous: Right-handed.
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?: Straight.
22) Best friend(s): Stan and Kenny.
23) Best friend you trust the most: Stan.
24) Best friends {your sex}: Stan.
25) Best friends of the opposite sex: Wendy, probably.
26) Best Bud(s): Uh, I think I've answered this one about three dozen times already.
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Nope.
28) Crush: Erm, not really.
29) Parent(s): Gerald and Sheila Broflovski.
30) Worst Enemy: The only guy in Colorado with tits big enough to rival Bebe's.
31) Favorite online Guy(s): I don't really hang out online all that much...
32) Favorite online Girl(s): See above.
33) Funniest friend: Stan. Definitely. That kid cracks me up.
34) Craziest friend: ... Crazy as in "HAHA" or crazy as in "holy shit, that guy just set himself on fire!"...? Er, whatever. I vote Tweek, even though I guess he's not really one of my actual friends.
35) Advice Friend: Well, Chef's not around anymore, sooo... Stan, probably.
36) Loudest Friend: They all have their moments, for sure.
37) Person you cry with: Maybe Stan...? I can't really remember the last time I cried with anyone, though.

Do You Have...

38) Any sisters: No.
39) Any brothers: Yeah, but he's Canadian.
40) Any pets: Nuh-uh.
41) A Disease: I'm diabetic.
42) A Pager: No.
43) A Personal phone line: No.
44) A Cell phone: No.
45) A Lava lamp: No.
46) A Pool or hot tub: No.
47) A Car: No, unfortunately.

Describe Your...

48) Personality: Uh... driven? Hah. I guess I'm kind of a stubborn over-achiever or whatever. I also have kind of a short fuse, and I always have to be right... But that's okay, really, since I generally am.
49) Driving: I don't drive yet.
50) Car or one you want: I'm not really picky about this. Anything that works.
51) Room: Pretty bland, actually.
52) What’s missing?: Nothing?
53) School: Okay, I guess...
54) Bed: Big. Comfy. Distinctly beddish.
55) Relationship with your parent(s): Okay, I suppose. Dad is generally pretty cool. Mom can be scary as all Hell sometimes, though. Mostly I just try to agree with her and everything seems to work out.

Do You

56) Believe in yourself: Yes?
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: No, I'm not that much of a douche.
58) Consider yourself a good listener: Probably not, but I guess it depends.
60) Get along with your parents: Sometimes.
61) Save your IM conversations: No, that's kind of retarded.
62) Pray: Yeah.
63) Believe in reincarnation: No... Well, not unless it's Kenny. And I still don't know just what to call that.
64) Like to make fun of people: When they deserve it, yeah.
65) Like to talk on the phone: I don't hate it, but I don't care for it all that much either. I prefer face-to-face confrontations. Uh, I mean conversations. Er, scratch that. Face-to-face is the best for either.
66) Like to eat?: Sure. I can't stand that "over-stuffed" feeling, though. Gross.
67) Like to drive: Sadly not applicable.
68) Get motion sickness: Not really.
69) Eat the stems of broccolietchay: ... Uh.
70) Eat chicken fingers with a fork: No. They're called "chicken fingers" for a reason.
71) Dream in color: What? Of course.
72) Type with your fingers on home row: No, I have mastered the fine and age-old art of hunt-for-and-peck-the-keys.
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: Not since I was about ten years old.

What Is…?

74) Right next to you: Just some books and stuff on my desk.
75) On the walls of your room: I have a bulletin board over my desk to pin pictures of friends, schedules and other crap to. No posters on the walls anymore. Not since Ike went way overboard with newspaper clippings and Mom made up a strict "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU BOYS NOT TO PUT ANYMORE HOLES IN THE WALLS" policy. So, save for that old Asses of Fire poster up on the back of my door that Terrance and Phillip signed for me after the war (which was pretty nice of them, all considering that my mother rallied against and killed them both), my walls are actually pretty bare.
76) On your mouse pad: I don't have one. I use the touchpad on my laptop.
77) Your dream car: I really don't care so long as it gets me from Point A to Point B.
78) Your dream date: No comment.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: Again, no comment.
80) Your dream husband/wife: No. Oh, Jesus. I really don't even want to think about the checklist/line-up of "nice kosher girls" that my mother probably has in store for me.
81) Your bedtime: Officially 9:30 (shut up), barring homework. Usually as much later as I can get away with before being shrieked at.
82) Under your bed: Nothing really. Maybe some old photo albums or something.
83) The single most important question: "When the fuck is this survey going to be over?"
84) Your bad time of the day: When my mom tries to act as my personal alarm clock.
85) Your worst fear(s): Having the people close to me leave for good. Or die, I guess.
86) The weather like: Hot enough to practically make my eyeballs sweat. Stupid AC is acting up.
87) The time?: 1:30-ish in the afternoon.
88) The date?: Uh... it's the 29th, I think. I kind of lose track of crap like this during vacation.
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: Stan's answer is totally the best for this. Hands down it has to be when we were all ignoring that fatass and he thought that he was dead the whole time. Pure fucking gold.
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: I maintain that if I like it it's not weird.
91) Theme song: "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred. ... Oh, shut up. Yeah, I dunno. I've never given it any serious thought.
92) The hardest thing about growing up: ... The exponential growth of my hair...? No, really. I don't know. Just your average growing up stuff, probably. More responsibility and commitment, meeting the parents' expectations, blah blah blah... you know. All that kind of "same old, same old" shit.
93) Your funniest experience: Seriously, I can't think of one that stands out. There are way too many.
94) Your scariest moment: When I was in the hospital because of kidney failure and found out that my only hope for survival was pending on the healing mercy of Cartman's fat ass. No. Just no. Jesus fucking Christ, Cartman, I seriously hate you so bad.
95) The silliest thing you've said: Oh, God... probably that time way back when I felt compelled to actually ask if Cartman had shat out a load of treasure. Then again, I don't know if that can really be considered "silly", having actually been appropriate and all.
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: Nothing really comes to mind...
97) The scariest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): Hah. A lot of really freaky shit has gone down over the years... I'm going to have to go with that whole Mecha Streisand incident. Barbara Streisand is one seriously scary bitch on her own, but Jesus Christ.
98) The worst feeling in the world: Absolutely nothing is worse than that total asshat feeling that you get when you've been arguing like crazy with someone about something for a long time and suddenly realize that you've been wrong all along.
99) The best feeling in the world: Cake. (This is a totally valid answer.)
100) 5 people you tag: I don't really care. Just do it if you want.
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