So - I got the job. And I feel like it can be yanked out from under me at any point. I'm ambivalent if they let me go because I told them "I have another job, if you find someone more qualified than me, it is ok to let me go. I just want to help you guys out more than anything."
And I AM fine with that.
I'd just hate if they let me go and didn't have someone lined up. It would suck to find out that you are not better than nothing.
We are open every day even holidays and the kitchen doesn't close until 1:45am (we do switch to a fried only menu at 12 or 12:30). This joint allows smoking. My schedule is 6pm to 2:30am Thursday through Monday so I'll be working Thanksgiving as far as I know.
I did ok on Monday night and they cut me loose at 2:15 because I couldn't really stand anymore. Given that for the last fucking decade, I've been driving, working at a desk and gaming on my computer - I'm surprised I really started having trouble standing at the 7 and half hour mark. When I got home, I was extremely exasperated to find I was stuck awake until 3:30am. I drove home listening to soft music, I had maybe 2 sodas the entire fucking day, I skipped the shower so as to not wake myself up, I had already been up since 7am. Christ. I was awake at 7:25am the next morning and didn't get sleepy until 3pm (which frankly many of us get the 2 to 3 O'clock doldrums.)
Monday night - during my training - I had to make the decision to come in work the rest of the week or start my schedule on Thursday. Later, Manager Mike made the call and told me to show up again tomorrow (Thursday) evening. Probably wanted to spare me the Karaoke.
Tuesday and Wednesday nights are Karaoke. I had no idea.
Ya know how once you see behind the curtain, many decide to not eat food where they work? This place makes so much stuff from scratch, I'm eating here. I'm encouraging anyone else to eat here. The beans are made and only reheated ONCE. At the end of the night, the refried beans, the cream gravy, the alfredo sauce (also made from scratch) all go into the trash if they were on the line. Mike told me he and Chaz took over in 2018. 2 weeks later they had a health inspection and made a 73 - Mike told the inspector this would never happen again and they passed every inspection after. This place is apparently one of the top 5 cleanest restaurants in the HEB area.
So, I'm looking forward to working there. I DO hope they keep me. I told Kevin even if he gets a job, I'm still keeping this 2nd one because I want money. I want lots of money - so I'm going to earn it. Also, this place really needed the help. One of the workers that basically does the work of 2 people put in a 3 months notice. He's been paying towards a house in Mexico for the past 25 years so he's effectively retiring. The other guy - he had a legit medical problem, but he pulled a no call - no show for 20 effing days! THAT is a long time to go without telling a tightly held together crew if you're ever coming back. Everyone had to cover the the missing piece. The manager stated "We have each other's back, just communicate with us."
I joked "We have each other's backs - if only to kick someone's ass a little" and the crew said I had nailed it.
I do hope they keep me and I do hope I can pull off 2 jobs for the next 6-9 months. Just a personal goal I've set. Other Side Of the Radio cannot make money if I use disabled voice actors - so I will generate the money to run it, promote it and maintain it. All OFF YouTube. Fuck you, I make the commercials to put into my shows.
Lemme share you a great story that happened Monday night. At about 11:40, I noticed the music on the jukebox stopped being auto-tuned wiggers fronting, trying to be metal and street at the same time. I was grateful.
Then Journey's "Girl Can't Help It" came on and I whipped out my phone to text Ed Hill. He's the only other person I know that very much likes this song - except at that moment an order for 10 wings came in so I just made a note.
They were Ed's wings.
He came to cheer me on!
I snapped this hastily through the scratched kitchen window. This was pretty nice. He came over from Arlington to Fort Worth on a Monday night because he knew no one else could come to "cheer me on". (Kevin is usually out cold by 9pm due to the new meds he's been given).
What a great friend. (This pic from 2017)
I hope to make more money. I hope to lose weight. I hope to get some good exercise out of this. I hope to get some great experiences. And I do hope I help this place. I keep losing favorite "water holes" and I very rarely ever pick them. In my entire life - I've had 4 including this one.
I'm not gonna lose this one. Sleep is for the weak.
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