Dec 26, 2004 13:27
This was a very stupid christmas indeed! my mom totally cheated on my presents! she got me shit that she could use to! she got a DVD player and more phones (which she uses too) and she got me an element shirt and hoodie (which i love) and this GUYS shirt that i hate.. its white and it says have a Bam day.. and it has a lil bomb on it.. its really gay.. and she got rid of the reciept so i am stuck with it! then she got me a 3 stud belt.. but the studs are small! and she got me my nautical star spinner belt buckle..and she didnt fuck up on this *thank god* cuz i really really really wanted that... then she got me pajamas.. which i have about 500 pairs of! and there really gay.. ok get this.. my mom.. bought me FOOTIE PAJAMAS...HOW QUEER IS THAT?! and these really ugly pink and yellow pajamas that have chicks on bikes... wow..there gayer than hell... i refuse to wear them.... she got me this Curve Crush set with lotion perfume and body spray (which i asked for so its all good) she got me these god awful red and black FEATHER earrings.. and these ugly dangely ones too...HONESTLY WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?! i got this semi-cute choker.. i supose its alright..and i got a pair of jeans... so yeah... thats my shitty x-mas on my moms side.. her friend tammy got me a $20 gift card for FYE.. im gona get The Used my dads house, i got $150 from my dad and shelly (and i get $50 the next time i go in and were going to altoona) and i got this spa set from my grandma (which i used last night and it has this body scrub, lotion, and body spray..and let me tell you.. my arms are breaking out! *itches arms* LOTION IS EEEVVIILLL)then my grandma got me these diamond (fake) dangly earrings from clairs..there pretty cute.. i might wear them some day lol...and then she gave us $50 yeah... thats what i got... but.. i need to get to the stores to get my camera phone! and i need a card for it so that will be $200... then im going to save the rest of it to buy CLOTHES I ACTUALLY WANT! going to go now... bye bye kids! i cant wait till new years!