Aug 21, 2003 20:43
im in oregon every one yay ok not yay but boo oregon is very boring but very beautiful. and um i miss every one especialy lauren. i sent lauren and derrick a post card i was gonna send pat one but i dotn know were he lives right now and so i sent the other one to allie casue she sent me one so yeah.well i miss lauren a whole lot. yeah um i cant wait to see yo uall at school and stuff. and i miss brent. and um we need weird peopel in vista or soem were that tom green can talk to and we need to record us pukign and stuff so yeah. rory can we use your camra or can yo ufilm kids pukign and stuff? well im at my uncles and his computer dosent suck like my great grandmas so yeha i can actuly visit a sight with out gettig nkicked off every tiem i clikc on soem thign or every tiem soem one picks up the phone well i love you lauren and derrick your gay but its ok