Ive decided im giving this livejournal up for a while maybe forever im not sure yet ive had a journal since i was 13 years old and now im nearly 18 and at this moment in time its just not for me.
I think i need to find myself and learn about myself i need to be in a secure place in my life because right now i feel like im going round in circles i dont want my life to be based on eating disorders and chaos. I dont want to write about problems and insecurity. I guess i need to make changes and i dont feel like i can with written mistakes hanging over my head.
Maybe i'll be back maybe i wont but who knows.
In the mean time Aidos.
It was fun guys.
P/S i do have a myspace (www.myspace.com/dieonarope)
&& my email is
Dissolve.and.decay@gmail.com just incase anyone wants to stay in touch.